Stay tuned on the Tiptop Street Press page for great translations of Russian literature!
中國國家主席習近平2月初「告台灣同胞書」發表40週年紀念會上重申「九二共識、一個中國」、提出「一國兩制」台灣方案等5項對台原則。蘇格蘭報章 The National 報道,英國保守黨前主席、前港督彭定康回應習近平言論時指出,「在人類歷史上,沒有民主體制會同意加入獨裁體制的一部分,除非是被迫。(There isn't in human history an example of a democracy agreeing to become part of a tyranny without being obliged to do it)」
習近平提一國兩制統一台灣 彭定康:沒有民主體制會自願成為獨裁一部分 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞
習近平提一國兩制統一台灣 彭定康:沒有民主體制會自願成為獨裁一部分 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞
Leader of Vote Count in Kenya Faces U.S. With Tough Choices
NAIROBI, Kenya — The Obama administration has signaled its disfavor for Uhuru Kenyatta, accused of war crimes, who was ahead in presidential balloting. But rejecting him could harm ties to a vital ally in a volatile region.
T. Jeremy Gunn, a director for the ACLU, argues that a more accurate translation is "our undertakings have been favored," leaving the reader to infer who or what was responsible for favoring such undertakings.
中國建築只選幾張 一是明墓承乾(宮)
During the Ming Dynasty, the Hall of Heavenly Favor (sic , Chengqiangong) served as the living quarters of the empresses and imperial concubines. .
have taken a tough stance on the financial industry over the past year.
Now Wall Street is apparently returning the favor.
Google, the jurors decided, had indeed copied Oracle's IP related to bits of its Java infrastructure. For a start, the search giant purloined nine lines of Oracle's code for its own version of Java, out of 15m that make up the contentious software. Damages for this misdeed, which will be set at a later stage of the trial, cannot exceed $150,000 by statute. More controversially, Google was also deemed to have infringed Oracle's copyright by mimicking "the overall structure, sequence and organisation of copyrighted works", even where it had not directly copied any code.
tr.v., -icked, -ick·ing, -ics.
(pər-loin', pûr'loin')
v., -loined, -loin·ing, -loins.
To steal, often in a violation of trust. See synonyms at steal.
To commit theft.
Google, the jurors decided, had indeed copied Oracle's IP related to bits of its Java infrastructure. For a start, the search giant purloined nine lines of Oracle's code for its own version of Java, out of 15m that make up the contentious software. Damages for this misdeed, which will be set at a later stage of the trial, cannot exceed $150,000 by statute. More controversially, Google was also deemed to have infringed Oracle's copyright by mimicking "the overall structure, sequence and organisation of copyrighted works", even where it had not directly copied any code.

tr.v., -icked, -ick·ing, -ics.
- To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture; ape.
- To copy or imitate so as to ridicule; mock: always mimicking the boss. See synonyms at imitate.
- To resemble closely; simulate: an insect that mimics a twig.
- To take on the appearance of.
- One who imitates, especially:
- An actor or actress in a mime.
- One who practices the art of mime.
- One who copies or mimics others, as for amusement.
- A copy or an imitation.
- Relating to, acting as, resembling, or characteristic of a mimic or mimicry.
- Tending to imitate; imitative.
- Make-believe; mock: a mimic battle.
[From Latin mīmicus, mimic, from Greek mīmikos, from mīmos, imitator, mime.]
mimicker mim'ick·er n.purloin
(pər-loin', pûr'loin')

v., -loined, -loin·ing, -loins.
To steal, often in a violation of trust. See synonyms at steal.
To commit theft.
[Middle English purloinen, to remove, from Anglo-Norman purloigner : pur-, away (from Latin prō-; see pro-1) + loign, far (from Latin longē , from longus, long).]
purloiner pur·loin'er n.
v., -vored, -vor·ing,
To resemble another in appearance: She and her father favor.
idiom:in favor of
favoringly fa'vor·ing·ly adv.
- A gracious, friendly, or obliging act that is freely granted: do someone a favor.
- Friendly or favorable regard; approval or support: won the favor of the monarch; looked with favor on the plan.
- A state of being held in such regard: a style currently in favor.
- Unfair partiality; favoritism.
- A privilege or concession.
- favors Sexual privileges, especially as granted by a woman.
- Something given as a token of love, affection, or remembrance.
- A small decorative gift given to each guest at a party.
- Advantage; benefit: sailed under favor of cloudless skies.
- Behalf; interest: an error in our favor.
- Obsolete. A communication, especially a letter.
- Archaic.
- Aspect or appearance.
- Countenance; face.
- Obsolete. A facial feature.
v., -vored, -vor·ing,
- To perform a kindness or service for; oblige. See synonyms at oblige.
- To treat or regard with friendship, approval, or support.
- To be partial to; indulge a liking for: favors bright colors.
- To be or tend to be in support of.
- To make easier or more possible; facilitate: Darkness favored their escape.
- To treat with care; be gentle with: favored my wounded leg.
- Chiefly Southern U.S. To resemble in appearance: She favors her father.
To resemble another in appearance: She and her father favor.
idiom:in favor of
- In support of; approving: We are in favor of her promotion to president.
- To the advantage of: The court decided in favor of the plaintiff.
- Inscribed or made out to the benefit of: a check in favor of a charity.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, from favēre, to be favorable.]
favorer fa'vor·er n.favoringly fa'vor·ing·ly adv.
REGIONAL NOTE When a Southerner favors a relative, he or she is not giving that person special privileges; rather, the Southerner looks like that relative. Favor can be either transitive-She favors her father-or intransitive with a compound subject:She and her father favor. This sense of favor goes back to early modern English: "This young lord Chamont/Favors my mother"(Ben Jonson). The verb derives from the noun favor, which was used from the 15th to the 19th century to mean "appearance, aspect; the countenance, face": "What makes thy favor like the bloodless head/Fall'n on the block?" (Tennyson). This sense of the noun is now archaic, but the verb thrives in the English of the Southern United States.
2 [U]好意(▼good willのほうが意味が強い);引き立て, 支持, 援助, 親切心, 愛顧, 賛成
4 ((米))(好意・愛情の印の)贈り物;(パーティーの)景品.
5 (政党やチームなどの支持者がつける)リボン, バッジ.
ask no favors
back in favor
by [with] favor of ...
by [with] your favor
curry favor with ...
Do me [us] a favor!
(1) ((英話))((間投詞的))ばか言え, とんでもない, いいかげんにしろ.(2) お願いだから. ⇒[名]1.
in a person's favor
(1) 〈人の〉気に入って.(2) 〈人の〉有利になるよう[に好都合]に
in favor of ...
(1) 〈事に〉賛成して, 味方して;(他方より)…の方を支持して[選んで].(2) ((形式))〈事が〉…に有利に, を支持して
(3) ((形式))〈小切手などが〉〈人などを〉受取人として
1 〈計画などに〉賛成する;〈政党・チームなどを〉支持する;に味方する.
2 [III[名]([副])]…を(…より)えこひいきする, 偏愛する((over ...))
3 [favor A with B]((形式))〈A(人)にB(事・物)で〉好意を示す, 恩恵を施す
4 〈天候・事情が〉…に好都合である, 有利に働く.
6 ((主に米))〈親に〉(顔・姿が)似る.

v., o·bliged, o·blig·ing, o·blig·es.
- To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means.
- To make indebted or grateful: I am obliged to you for your gracious hospitality.
- To do a service or favor for: They obliged us by arriving early.
To do a service or favor: The soloist obliged with yet another encore.
- 号[əbláidʒ]
1 [III[名][副]]〈人に〉(…を)義務づける, 強いる((to ...));((通例受身または〜 -self))〈人に〉余儀なく(…)させる((to do));〈行為・方策などを〉必要にする, 要求する
A small income obliges us to thrift.
We are obliged to pay taxes.
I am obliged to go.
The world economic situation obliges flexibility on Japan's part.
2 [III[名]([副])]〈人に〉(…して)恩恵を施す, 〈人の〉期待に応える((by doing));(物を)使わせてやる, (事を)してやる((with ...))
He obliged us with a piano solo.
3 ((話・形式))((受身))(人に;親切・行為に)感謝している((to ...;for ...))
I'd be obliged if you'd meet with me today.
I'm very much obliged for your help. [=I'm much obliged to you for the help. ]
ご援助まことにありがとうございます(▼thank youよりかしこまった表現).
ご援助まことにありがとうございます(▼thank youよりかしこまった表現).
━━(自)(←(他))人に好意を示す, (…で)人を喜ばせる((by, with ...))
She obliged with a song.
[Middle English obligen, from Old French obligier, from Latin obligāre : ob-, to; see ob- + ligāre, to bind.]
SYNONYMS oblige, accommodate, favor. These verbs mean to perform a service or a courteous act for: obliged me by keeping the matter quiet; accommodating her by lending her money; favor an audience with an encore. See also synonyms at force.
ANTONYM disoblige
ANTONYM disoblige
Mr. Saramago loved to tell a story of how he came by his surname. His real family name was de Sousa. But when, as a 7-year-old boy, he showed up for his first day of school and presented his birth certificate, it was discovered that the clerk in his home village had registered him as José Saramago. “Saramago,” which means “wild radish,” a green that country people were obliged to eat in hard times, was the insulting nickname by which the novelist’s father was known.
“My father wasn’t very happy, but if that was his son’s official name, well, then he too had to take it,” he recounted in the 2007 interview. The family remained so poor, Mr. Saramago recalled in his memoir, that every spring his mother pawned their blankets, hoping that she might be able to redeem them by the following winter.