F.D.A. Regulators Say Benefits of Pfizer’s Pediatric Shot Outweigh Key Risks
Things Adult Medicine Could Learn From Pediatrics
Attitudes long taken for granted in the care of children might be working their way up the life span to become more standard for adults.
- The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth.
- The structure of a specific region of the earth's crust.
- A book on geology.
- The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the solid matter of a celestial body.
[Medieval Latin geōlogia, study of earthly things : Greek geō-, geo- + Greek -logiā, -logy.]
geologic ge'o·log'ic (jē'ə-lŏj'ĭk) or ge'o·log'i·cal adj. geologically ge'o·log'i·cal·ly adv. geologist ge·ol'o·gist n.- 発音記号[dʒiɑ'lədʒi | -ɔ'l-]
1 [U]地質学.
2 [U][C](ある地域の)地質学的特徴, 地質.
3 地質学書.
4 天体の起源・構造の研究.
[後ラテン語geōlogia (geō-土地+logia学問)]
pedology (pi-DOL-uh-jee)
The study of soil: its formation, usage, classification, etc. Also called soil science.
From Greek pedon (soil)
If at first you thought pedology was the study of children, you're not completely off. Using the Greek prefix pedo- (child), this term can refer to the field concerned with the development of little ones. But for everyone's sanity, pedology is mostly used when referring to soils, and pediatrics for children. Imagine taking your sick child to a pedologist who turns out to be an expert in soils or expecting a soil specialist to check your backyard when she shows up with a stethoscope around her neck.
"Accra's underlying geology and pedology makes the permeability of water difficult." — Ken Mensah; Rain, Rain Go Away; Ghanaian Chronicle (Accra); May 27, 2004.