2013年3月27日 星期三

pen him in, legitimate, declare, amoral, judgment

A male lion walking near an electrified fence at the Sanwild Animal Sanctuary in South Africa. A new research paper suggests that fencing in Africa's lions may be the best way to protect them.
Joao Silva/The New York Times

To Save the Lion, a Call to Pen Him In

A new paper from nearly 60 top lion scientists and conservationists suggests that building more fences may be the best way to save African lions.

On Dec. 8, 1941, the United States entered World War II as Congress declared war against Japan one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Will Mrs. Merkel Wake Up in Time?
If Europe’s leaders do not come up with a more robust plan, the judgment of global stock and credit markets is likely to be harsh and swift.

Prof Nohria will be the first HBS dean in living memory not to emerge from the fields of economics and finance. His specialist subjects are leadership and ethics. Far from dismissing the criticism – which has suggested that this elite MBA factory has produced selfish and amoral operators who seek mainly to maximise their personal wealth at the expense of their organisations – HBS wants to engage with this debate head on.

1 [U][C]判断, 判定, 審査, 鑑定
make [require] a fair judgment
sit in judgment on [over] a person
人を批判する, 裁く.
2 《法律》
(1) 判決
deliver [give, pass] judgment on [upon] a person
The judgment went against the government.
(2) 判決による確定債務;債務判決書.
3 [U]判断力;分別;見識
a person of good [poor] judgment
4 [U][C](…についての)意見, 見解((about, of, on ...));評価;断定
in my judgment
pass [reserve] judgment
It is against my better judgment, but ...
5 ((a 〜))((皮肉))(天)罰
It is a judgment on you for your sins.
6 ((the J-))=Last Judgment.

a·mor·al (ā-môr'əl, ā-mŏr'-) pronunciation
  1. Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.
  2. Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.
amoralism a·mor'al·ism n.
amorality a'mo·ral'i·ty (ā'mô-răl'ĭ-tē, -mə-) n.
amorally a·mor'al·ly adv.

le·git·i·mate (lə-jĭt'ə-mĭt) pronunciation


  1. Being in compliance with the law; lawful: a legitimate business.
  2. Being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards: legitimate advertising practices.
  3. Based on logical reasoning; reasonable: a legitimate solution to the problem.
  4. Authentic; genuine: a legitimate complaint.
  5. Born of legally married parents: legitimate issue.
  6. Of, relating to, or ruling by hereditary right: a legitimate monarch.
  7. Of or relating to drama of high professional quality that excludes burlesque, vaudeville, and some forms of musical comedy: the legitimate theater.
tr.v., -mat·ed, -mat·ing, -mates. (-māt')
To make legitimate, as:
  1. To give legal force or status to; make lawful.
  2. To establish (a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means.
  3. To sanction formally or officially; authorize.
  4. To demonstrate or declare to be justified.

[Middle English legitimat, born in wedlock, from Medieval Latin lēgitimātus, law-worthy, past participle of lēgitimāre, to make lawful, from Latin lēgitimus, legitimate, from lēx, lēg-, law.]
legitimately le·git'i·mate·ly adv.
legitimateness le·git'i·mate·ness n.
legitimation le·git'i·ma'tion n.
legitimator le·git'i·mat'or (-māt'ər) n.

tr.v., -mized, -miz·ing, -miz·es.
To legitimate.

legitimization le·git'i·mi·za'tion (-mĭ-zā'shən) n.
legitimizer le·git'i·miz'er n.

[形] 〔lidítmt〕
1 合法の, 適法の;規則[基準]に合った;正当な, 公正な
a legitimate act
a legitimate conclusion
2 〈子が〉嫡出の(⇔bastard);〈出生が〉嫡出の.
3 道理にかなった, 筋道の立った, 妥当な.
4 〈君主などが〉正統の.
5 真正の, 本物の.
6 正規の, 決まった形式[種類]の.
7 《演劇》正劇の. ▼バーレスク・ボードビル・テレビ・映画などと区別して用いる.
━━[動] 〔lidítmèit〕 (他)((米))
1 …を合法[適法]化する;正当化する.
2 〈私生児などを〉嫡出子とする[認める].

  • [dikléər]
1III[名]([副])]…を宣言[公表, 布告]する. ⇒ANNOUNCE[類語]
declare a state of war
declare war on [upon, against] ...
I hereby declare the opening of the Olympic Games.
He declared the meeting official.
その会議を公式なものと宣言した(▼この場合, 宣告した瞬間にその会議は公式なものとなる. He declared the meeting to be official. の場合は, 必ずしも公式なものになるとは限らない).
2III[名]/that節]…を明言[言明]する;〈事が〉…を明らかにする;…を表す;[V[名](to be)[形][[名]]]〈人が〉(…であると)断言する
I declare her (to be) innocent. [=I declare (that) she is innocent. ]
彼女は無実だと申し上げたい(▼declareはthatを省略できるがassertはできない. ⇒ASSERT(他)1
Authors declare themselves stifled by the limitation on kanji.
I declare myself for [against] the project.
3 (税務署・税関で)〈課税品などを〉申告する
“(Do you have) anything to declare ?” “No, nothing. ”
4 《トランプ》(ブリッジで)〈スーツまたはトランプを〉ビッドする:何組取るかを宣言する.
1 宣言[言明, 断言]する;(…に賛成・反対の)意見[立場]を表明する((for, against ...)).
2 《クリケット》中途でイニングの打ち切りを宣する.
declare off
[declare ... off/declare off ...]
declare oneself
(1) 本体[正体]を現す.
(2) 所信を述べる.
(3) 愛を打ち明ける.
(4) 政党員として登録する.
I declare!
((略式))((文末で))…だとも, ほんとに…だ.
Well, I declare!
これは驚いた, これは参った.
[ラテン語dēclāre(dē-離れて+clārus明らかな+-āre不定詞語尾=明らかに述べる). △CLEAR


pens (複数形) • penned (過去形) • penned (過去分詞) • penning (現在分詞) • pens (三人称単数現在)
1 (家畜の)おり, 囲い;((集合的))おり[囲い]の中の動物(の数).
2 (監禁・保護用の)囲い, 部屋;小児用の遊び枠;(農作物の)貯蔵所.
3 潜水艦修理ドック.
━━[動](〜ned or pent, 〜・ning)(他)〈家畜を〉囲い[おり]に入れる;〈人を〉閉じ込める, 監禁する((in, up/in ...)).
