2013年3月29日 星期五

pneumonia, recovery, sticky, sticky fingers, fuzzy assertion

Adam Parker Smith in his apartment with purloined art that goes on display Friday at Lu Magnus gallery.
Benjamin Lowy for The New York Times

Sticky Fingers Make the Show

The Brooklyn artist Adam Parker Smith’s new exhibition “Thanks” is made up entirely of works he stole from 77 artists: paintings, sculptures, sketchbooks, video and more.

 Lehman Ends $38 Billion Standoff
An international standoff between two main remnants of Lehman Brothers ended, with a tentative deal settling a fight over $38 billion in bankruptcy claims that could speed recoveries for customers and creditors.

第二屆「世界肺炎日(World Pneumonia Day)」,衛生署疾病管制局提醒,全球每年有超過200萬因肺炎致死的5歲以下兒童。 臨床常見引起肺炎的病原體很多種,除了肺炎鏈球菌以外,較常見的有流感病毒、b型流感嗜血桿菌、退伍軍人桿菌、隱球菌、綠膿桿菌、肺炎克雷白氏 ...

Print edition

Sticky patch or meltdown?

How politicians could carelessly turn a temporary softening of the global recovery into something worse: leader

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia causes inflammation of one or both lungs in the chest, usually due to infection. It causes disruption of the normal process of gas exchange, where oxygen is taken into the body and the waste product carbon dioxide removed.
This causes interruption of oxygen supply to the tissues which is potentially fatal, but thanks to modern antibiotics, many people, young and old, now make a good recovery. However, it's still a common cause of death among those who are seriously ill.

Fuzzy Link Between Capital Rules, Lending

Banks have suggested capital requirements would curtail lending, jeopardizing the fragile global economic recovery. But at least three recent studies cast doubt on that assertion.

  1. The act of asserting.
  2. Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.
assertional as·ser'tion·al adj.

(stĭk'ē) pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Having the property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive.
  2. Covered with an adhesive agent.
  3. Warm and humid; muggy: a sticky day.
  4. Informal. Painful or difficult: a sticky situation.
  5. Economics. Tending to remain the same despite changes in the economy. Used of prices or wages.
stickily stick'i·ly adv.
stickiness stick'i·ness n.


stick • y
stickies (複数形)
have sticky fingers, (全1件)
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 粘着性のある, くっつく;(…で)ねばねば[べとべと]する((with ...)).
2 ((英略式))〈天候などが〉蒸し暑い, 湿気の多い.
3 ((略式))めんどうな, やっかいな, 困難な, とても不愉快な, 嫌な
a sticky problem
have sticky fingers
(1) 盗み癖がある.
(2) (特にアメリカンフットボールで)パスを上手に受ける.
━━[名]((話))付箋:商標名Post-it Noteの通称. ▼紙の付箋のほか, コンピュータ画面に電子的に挿入できるメモ欄の意味でも使われる.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[rikʌ'vəri]

[名](複 -ies)[U]
1 (…を)取り戻す[取り返す]こと;(…の)回収((of ...))
the recovery of lost artworks
2 ((時にa 〜))
(1) (病気の)回復((from ...))
make a quickgood, steady] recovery from ...
(2) 回復, 復帰, 復旧
economic recovery
3 (廃棄物などからの)再生(利用).
4 《法律》財産回復, 権利の回復.
