2013年3月31日 星期日

friar, monk, oblate, Oxford Movement, theology

在 Aquinas (1225- ) 時代 他要去當遊方的 friar, 卻遭到 家人拘留 因為 他們要他當 monk 較有面子.....

friar :會士;修士:托缽的會士,多指方濟、道明、加爾默羅等會會士。
friary :會院;托缽會修院:多指方濟、道明、加爾默羅及思定等會會院。
monk :隱修士: (1) 度隱修、祈禱、補贖、遵守三聖願生活的人士,包括本篤會、熙篤會等會士。 (2) 僧侶;和尚(佛):系借用此字,實際上二者之生活方式並不相同。

Oxford Movement :牛津復興運動:英國眾多國教教士于 1833 年在牛津大學所提倡之運動,主張恢復宗徒傳授和聖事的聖寵功效。透過該運動有多人改宗天主教,其中包括著名之紐曼樞機 John Henry Newman 1801-1890 )。而英國天主教亦受其影響。
(1833 – 45) Movement within the Church of England that aimed to emphasize the church's Catholic inheritance as a source of legitimacy and deeper spirituality. Its main intent was to defend the Church of England as a divine institution against the threats of liberal theology, rationalism, and government interference. Though some in the movement (notably John Henry Newman and Henry E. Manning) ended up converting to Catholicism, most did not. Their concern for a higher standard of worship influenced not only the Church of England but also other British Protestant sects. The movement was also instrumental in the establishment of Anglican monasteries and convents.

Oblate of Mary Immaculate :無玷聖母獻主會:為法國馬賽主教馬則諾( Charles Joseph de Mazenod )在 1816 年所創立,以對貧苦人傳教為宗旨。該會東方傳教地區有錫蘭、菲律賓、寮國、日本、香港等地。簡稱 O.M.I.

oblate (1) 獻身會士:為了精神的嚮往而加入某一修會,如加入撒勒爵獻身會( O.S.F.S. )。 (2) 獻身者;獻身人士:即住于修會中,遵守修會規則,而非正式入會的信友。 (3) 獻身兒童:指父母將幼童獻于本篤會度會士生活者。 (4) 奉獻物:特指彌撒中餅酒等奉獻。
oblation :奉獻;獻祭;捐獻: (1) 奉獻行為。 (2) 奉獻物。
(ŏb'lāt', ŏ-blāt') pronunciation
  1. Having the shape of a spheroid generated by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis.偏球の(⇔prolate)
  2. Having an equatorial diameter greater than the distance between poles; compressed along or flattened at the poles: Planet Earth is an oblate solid.
[Probably New Latin oblātus : Latin ob-, toward; see ob- + Latin (prō)lātus; see prolate.]
oblately ob'late'ly adv.
oblateness ob'late'ness n.

ob·late2 (ŏb'lāt') pronunciation
  1. A layperson dedicated to religious life.
  2. Oblate Roman Catholic Church. A member of one of various religious communities for men or women.
[Medieval Latin oblātus, from Latin, past participle of offerre, to offer. See offer.]


Dr. of Sacred Theology

レベル:社会人必須発音記号[θiɑ'lədʒi | -ɔ'l-]
1 [U](特にキリスト教の)神学.
2 [U][C]神学理論[体系]
Thomist theology

2013年3月29日 星期五

pneumonia, recovery, sticky, sticky fingers, fuzzy assertion

Adam Parker Smith in his apartment with purloined art that goes on display Friday at Lu Magnus gallery.
Benjamin Lowy for The New York Times

Sticky Fingers Make the Show

The Brooklyn artist Adam Parker Smith’s new exhibition “Thanks” is made up entirely of works he stole from 77 artists: paintings, sculptures, sketchbooks, video and more.

 Lehman Ends $38 Billion Standoff
An international standoff between two main remnants of Lehman Brothers ended, with a tentative deal settling a fight over $38 billion in bankruptcy claims that could speed recoveries for customers and creditors.

第二屆「世界肺炎日(World Pneumonia Day)」,衛生署疾病管制局提醒,全球每年有超過200萬因肺炎致死的5歲以下兒童。 臨床常見引起肺炎的病原體很多種,除了肺炎鏈球菌以外,較常見的有流感病毒、b型流感嗜血桿菌、退伍軍人桿菌、隱球菌、綠膿桿菌、肺炎克雷白氏 ...

Print edition

Sticky patch or meltdown?

How politicians could carelessly turn a temporary softening of the global recovery into something worse: leader

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia causes inflammation of one or both lungs in the chest, usually due to infection. It causes disruption of the normal process of gas exchange, where oxygen is taken into the body and the waste product carbon dioxide removed.
This causes interruption of oxygen supply to the tissues which is potentially fatal, but thanks to modern antibiotics, many people, young and old, now make a good recovery. However, it's still a common cause of death among those who are seriously ill.

Fuzzy Link Between Capital Rules, Lending

Banks have suggested capital requirements would curtail lending, jeopardizing the fragile global economic recovery. But at least three recent studies cast doubt on that assertion.

  1. The act of asserting.
  2. Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof.
assertional as·ser'tion·al adj.

(stĭk'ē) pronunciation
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Having the property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive.
  2. Covered with an adhesive agent.
  3. Warm and humid; muggy: a sticky day.
  4. Informal. Painful or difficult: a sticky situation.
  5. Economics. Tending to remain the same despite changes in the economy. Used of prices or wages.
stickily stick'i·ly adv.
stickiness stick'i·ness n.


stick • y
stickies (複数形)
have sticky fingers, (全1件)
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 粘着性のある, くっつく;(…で)ねばねば[べとべと]する((with ...)).
2 ((英略式))〈天候などが〉蒸し暑い, 湿気の多い.
3 ((略式))めんどうな, やっかいな, 困難な, とても不愉快な, 嫌な
a sticky problem
have sticky fingers
(1) 盗み癖がある.
(2) (特にアメリカンフットボールで)パスを上手に受ける.
━━[名]((話))付箋:商標名Post-it Noteの通称. ▼紙の付箋のほか, コンピュータ画面に電子的に挿入できるメモ欄の意味でも使われる.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[rikʌ'vəri]

[名](複 -ies)[U]
1 (…を)取り戻す[取り返す]こと;(…の)回収((of ...))
the recovery of lost artworks
2 ((時にa 〜))
(1) (病気の)回復((from ...))
make a quickgood, steady] recovery from ...
(2) 回復, 復帰, 復旧
economic recovery
3 (廃棄物などからの)再生(利用).
4 《法律》財産回復, 権利の回復.

vatic, prophetic, oracular, quill pen

 When shooting on assignment he tended to retain the best images for himself: the portrait of Robert Graves that appeared in a 1941 issue of Picture Post shows a young man focused on his work; the one from the same session that Brandt held back shows the poet looking more mature, a quill pen clasped between his teeth and a slightly mad, oracular gleam in his eye.


Of or related to a prophet or a prophecy: prophetic.

From Latin vates (prophet). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wet- (to blow or inspire) which is also the source of fan, atmosphere, Vatican, and Wednesday (literally, Woden's day, after a Norse god).

"'I know one day we will all die,' replied Adi, making a valiant stab at vatic foresight." Tom Sutcliffe; Not All of It Added Up; The Independent (London, UK); Jan 29, 2009.

Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin vates seer, prophet; akin to Old English wōth poetry, Old High German wuot madness, Old Irish fáith seer, poet
Date: 1603


o • rac • u • lar
ɔːrǽkjulər | ɔr-
1 神託の(ような);託宣を告げるような;あいまいな, なぞめいた.
2 もったいぶった, 押しつけがましい.
3 予言者的な.

2013年3月28日 星期四

heartless, snippy, humdinger, dinger, ringdinger, retort, repertory theater

Q. Was it your decision to dispense with Sybil and Matthew in the same season?
A. No. You see, in America, it's quite standard for an actor to sign, at the beginning of a series, for five or seven years. The maximum any British agent will allow you to have over an actor is three years. And Jessica and Dan wanted to go. The show had been very, very successful, tremendously so, and they were being offered great opportunities. Don't think I'm saying it critically - I don't blame them at all. I can remember when I was a young actor, and I just had this feeling it was time to go to London. I was doing repertory theater in the country, and I resigned halfway through the season. Of course, all my friends and my parents thought I was completely mad. I went up to London and I got a job in a West End show with Hayley Mills. I reminded myself of that when Jessica and Dan said they wanted to go. I thought, "Well, you can't be that snippy because on a scaled-down version, that's exactly what you did."

repertory theater

répertory thèater [còmpany]

(snĭp'ē) pronunciation
adj. Informal, -pi·er, -pi·est.
  1. Sharp-tongued; impertinent: shocked by his snippy retort.
  2. Occurring in pieces; fragmentary.
[形](-pi・er, -pi・est)
1 ((米略式))ぶっきらぼうな.
2 断片的な.

humdinger= dinger

 (hŭm'dĭng'ər) pronunciation
n. Slang
One that is extraordinary or remarkable: a humdinger of a blizzard.

[Origin unknown.]

"Don't know any," William replied, coldly.
"Dull times, ain't it?" said Mr. Watson, a little depressed by his friend's manner. "I heard May Parcher was comin' back to town yesterday, though."
"Well, let her!" returned William, still severe.
"They said she was goin' to bring a girl to visit her," Johnnie began in a confidential tone. "They said she was a reg'lar ringdinger and—"很漂亮的美人兒
"Well, what if she is?" the discouraging Mr. Baxter interrupted. "Makes little difference to ME, I guess!"
"Oh no, it don't. YOU don't take any interest in girls! OH no!"
"No, I do not!" was the emphatic and heartless retort. "I never saw one in my life I'd care whether she lived or died!"

Tomi and Sukichi, played by Ozu regulars Chiyeko Higashiyama and Chishu Ryu, are an elderly couple who make the arduous journey to Tokyo to visit their heartless grown-up children, only to discover that they are just too busy with their professional lives and young families to find any time for them.


heart • less
[形]無情[無慈悲]な, つれない, 残酷な, 冷酷な.
verb [T]
to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way:
[+ speech] "That doesn't concern you!" she retorted.

noun [C]
a quick answer that is angry or funny:
"I'm going to tell him, " said Max. "Just you try!" came the retort.
(rĭ-tôrt') pronunciation

v., -tort·ed, -tort·ing, -torts.
    1. To reply, especially to answer in a quick, caustic, or witty manner. See synonyms at answer.
    2. To present a counterargument to.
  1. To return in kind; pay back.
  1. To make a reply, especially a quick, caustic, or witty one.
  2. To present a counterargument.
  3. To return like for like; retaliate.
  1. A quick incisive reply, especially one that turns the first speaker's words to his or her own disadvantage.
  2. The act or an instance of retorting.
[Latin retorquēre, retort-, to bend back, retort : re-, re- + torquēre, to bend, twist.]
retorter re·tort'er n.

re·tort2 (rĭ-tôrt', rē'tôrt') pronunciation
A closed laboratory vessel with an outlet tube, used for distillation, sublimation, or decomposition by heat.

[French retorte, from Medieval Latin retorta, from feminine of Latin retortus, past participle of retorquēre, to bend back. See retort1.]

2013年3月27日 星期三

right of way , spawning , in season, go out of one's way

Only the couple's widowed daughter-in-law, Noriko (Setsuko Hara), goes out of her way to entertain them. She takes them on a sightseeing tour of metropolitan Tokyo.

High-Speed Web Spawns Prairie Startups
Superfast Web Connection Helps Kansas City, Kan., Compete to Attract Technology Ventures


JAPANESE HOME COOKING: Stir-fry dishes with green bean, pork and cucumbers


photoPrecooked bean and cucumber dishes (Photo by Katsumi Oyama)
It's reassuring to have precooked dishes waiting in the fridge for a quick easy meal. Megumi Fujii introduces two such dishes using in-season vegetables.

Taiwan motorists urged to give crabs right of way
TAIPEI — Motorists in southern Taiwan are being urged to give land crabs right of way during the animals' spawning season, wildlife authorities said on...

go out of one's way (to do something)
1. Lit. to travel an indirect route or an extra distance in order to do something. I'll have to go out of my way to give you a ride home. I'll give you a ride even though I have to go out of my way.
2. Fig. to make an effort to do something; to accept the bother of doing something. We went out of our way to please the visitor. We appreciate anything you can do, but don't go out of your way.
See also: out, way

 in season1.  At the right time, opportunely, as in "The two young men desired to get back again in good season" (Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, 1844).
2.  Available and ready for eating, or other use; also, legal for hunting or fishing. For example, Strawberries are now in season, or Let me know when trout are in season and I'll go fishing with you. Both usages date from the 1300s, as does the antonym out of season, used for "inopportunely," "unavailable," and also for "not in fashion." For example, Sorry, oysters are out of season this month, or This style used to be very popular, but it's been out of season for several years.


spawns (複数形) • spawned (過去形) • spawned (過去分詞) • spawning (現在分詞) • spawns (三人称単数現在)
1 《動物》はらご:魚類・両生類などの卵塊.
2 ((通例軽蔑))
(1) (人・動物などの, うようよした)子供たち, がきども.
(2) ((複数扱い))(…の血統の)子孫;(ある思想などの)所産, 結果, 心酔者.
3 (市場用栽培キノコの)菌糸塊.
1 〈魚などが〉〈卵を〉生む.
2 …を引き起こす, 生じる.
3 …を数多く産出する.
4 …に菌糸を植えつける.


    The process by which an organism produces others of its kind: breeding, multiplication, procreation,proliferation, propagation, reproduction. Obsolete increase. See reproduction/barrenness.

spawning ground 產卵地


pen him in, legitimate, declare, amoral, judgment

A male lion walking near an electrified fence at the Sanwild Animal Sanctuary in South Africa. A new research paper suggests that fencing in Africa's lions may be the best way to protect them.
Joao Silva/The New York Times

To Save the Lion, a Call to Pen Him In

A new paper from nearly 60 top lion scientists and conservationists suggests that building more fences may be the best way to save African lions.

On Dec. 8, 1941, the United States entered World War II as Congress declared war against Japan one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Will Mrs. Merkel Wake Up in Time?
If Europe’s leaders do not come up with a more robust plan, the judgment of global stock and credit markets is likely to be harsh and swift.

Prof Nohria will be the first HBS dean in living memory not to emerge from the fields of economics and finance. His specialist subjects are leadership and ethics. Far from dismissing the criticism – which has suggested that this elite MBA factory has produced selfish and amoral operators who seek mainly to maximise their personal wealth at the expense of their organisations – HBS wants to engage with this debate head on.

1 [U][C]判断, 判定, 審査, 鑑定
make [require] a fair judgment
sit in judgment on [over] a person
人を批判する, 裁く.
2 《法律》
(1) 判決
deliver [give, pass] judgment on [upon] a person
The judgment went against the government.
(2) 判決による確定債務;債務判決書.
3 [U]判断力;分別;見識
a person of good [poor] judgment
4 [U][C](…についての)意見, 見解((about, of, on ...));評価;断定
in my judgment
pass [reserve] judgment
It is against my better judgment, but ...
5 ((a 〜))((皮肉))(天)罰
It is a judgment on you for your sins.
6 ((the J-))=Last Judgment.

a·mor·al (ā-môr'əl, ā-mŏr'-) pronunciation
  1. Not admitting of moral distinctions or judgments; neither moral nor immoral.
  2. Lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong.
amoralism a·mor'al·ism n.
amorality a'mo·ral'i·ty (ā'mô-răl'ĭ-tē, -mə-) n.
amorally a·mor'al·ly adv.

le·git·i·mate (lə-jĭt'ə-mĭt) pronunciation


  1. Being in compliance with the law; lawful: a legitimate business.
  2. Being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards: legitimate advertising practices.
  3. Based on logical reasoning; reasonable: a legitimate solution to the problem.
  4. Authentic; genuine: a legitimate complaint.
  5. Born of legally married parents: legitimate issue.
  6. Of, relating to, or ruling by hereditary right: a legitimate monarch.
  7. Of or relating to drama of high professional quality that excludes burlesque, vaudeville, and some forms of musical comedy: the legitimate theater.
tr.v., -mat·ed, -mat·ing, -mates. (-māt')
To make legitimate, as:
  1. To give legal force or status to; make lawful.
  2. To establish (a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means.
  3. To sanction formally or officially; authorize.
  4. To demonstrate or declare to be justified.

[Middle English legitimat, born in wedlock, from Medieval Latin lēgitimātus, law-worthy, past participle of lēgitimāre, to make lawful, from Latin lēgitimus, legitimate, from lēx, lēg-, law.]
legitimately le·git'i·mate·ly adv.
legitimateness le·git'i·mate·ness n.
legitimation le·git'i·ma'tion n.
legitimator le·git'i·mat'or (-māt'ər) n.

tr.v., -mized, -miz·ing, -miz·es.
To legitimate.

legitimization le·git'i·mi·za'tion (-mĭ-zā'shən) n.
legitimizer le·git'i·miz'er n.

[形] 〔lidítmt〕
1 合法の, 適法の;規則[基準]に合った;正当な, 公正な
a legitimate act
a legitimate conclusion
2 〈子が〉嫡出の(⇔bastard);〈出生が〉嫡出の.
3 道理にかなった, 筋道の立った, 妥当な.
4 〈君主などが〉正統の.
5 真正の, 本物の.
6 正規の, 決まった形式[種類]の.
7 《演劇》正劇の. ▼バーレスク・ボードビル・テレビ・映画などと区別して用いる.
━━[動] 〔lidítmèit〕 (他)((米))
1 …を合法[適法]化する;正当化する.
2 〈私生児などを〉嫡出子とする[認める].

  • [dikléər]
1III[名]([副])]…を宣言[公表, 布告]する. ⇒ANNOUNCE[類語]
declare a state of war
declare war on [upon, against] ...
I hereby declare the opening of the Olympic Games.
He declared the meeting official.
その会議を公式なものと宣言した(▼この場合, 宣告した瞬間にその会議は公式なものとなる. He declared the meeting to be official. の場合は, 必ずしも公式なものになるとは限らない).
2III[名]/that節]…を明言[言明]する;〈事が〉…を明らかにする;…を表す;[V[名](to be)[形][[名]]]〈人が〉(…であると)断言する
I declare her (to be) innocent. [=I declare (that) she is innocent. ]
彼女は無実だと申し上げたい(▼declareはthatを省略できるがassertはできない. ⇒ASSERT(他)1
Authors declare themselves stifled by the limitation on kanji.
I declare myself for [against] the project.
3 (税務署・税関で)〈課税品などを〉申告する
“(Do you have) anything to declare ?” “No, nothing. ”
4 《トランプ》(ブリッジで)〈スーツまたはトランプを〉ビッドする:何組取るかを宣言する.
1 宣言[言明, 断言]する;(…に賛成・反対の)意見[立場]を表明する((for, against ...)).
2 《クリケット》中途でイニングの打ち切りを宣する.
declare off
[declare ... off/declare off ...]
declare oneself
(1) 本体[正体]を現す.
(2) 所信を述べる.
(3) 愛を打ち明ける.
(4) 政党員として登録する.
I declare!
((略式))((文末で))…だとも, ほんとに…だ.
Well, I declare!
これは驚いた, これは参った.
[ラテン語dēclāre(dē-離れて+clārus明らかな+-āre不定詞語尾=明らかに述べる). △CLEAR


pens (複数形) • penned (過去形) • penned (過去分詞) • penning (現在分詞) • pens (三人称単数現在)
1 (家畜の)おり, 囲い;((集合的))おり[囲い]の中の動物(の数).
2 (監禁・保護用の)囲い, 部屋;小児用の遊び枠;(農作物の)貯蔵所.
3 潜水艦修理ドック.
━━[動](〜ned or pent, 〜・ning)(他)〈家畜を〉囲い[おり]に入れる;〈人を〉閉じ込める, 監禁する((in, up/in ...)).

2013年3月26日 星期二

roman, narrative, bowel, garner, resolute opposition

 Blending themes of pop culture with techniques reminiscent of the old masters, Mark Ryden has created a singular style that blurs the traditional boundaries between high and low art. His work first garnered attention in the 1990s when he ushered in a new genre of painting, "Pop Surrealism," dragging a host of followers in his wake. He has trumped the initial surrealist strategies by choosing subject matter loaded with cultural connotation.

對這場危機的主要敘述將對這些問題的答案產生深刻影響。「敘述」(Narrative)超越了戲劇性故事本身的發展。它對已經發生的事情提供解釋,並為未來的構想提供框架。大約存在12種關於大衰退(Great Recession)的敘述。
A crisis in search of a narrative by

Reviewed by JOE NOCERA A grand narrative of the events leading to the Great Depression, built around the stories of four powerful central bankers.

The Spare Room is a novel by Australian writer Helen Garner, set over the course of three weeks while the narrator, Helen, cares for a friend dying of bowel cancer. The Spare Room was published in 2008.

"resolute opposition"

It is not a surprise that China has expressed its "resolute opposition" - it objects to most of the Dalai Lama's overseas visits. Beijing believes his aim is to garner support for Tibetan independence.


── n. 腸の一部; (pl.) 腸, 內臓; (pl.) 內部, 奧; 〔古〕 (pl.) 情け.
bowel movement [motion] 便通 ((略 BM)).

verb [T]
to tell a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to describe events as they happen:
Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.
One by one the witnesses narrated the sequence of events which led up to the disaster.

1 [U] the act of telling a story

2 [C or U] a spoken description of events given during a film or television programme:
Dame Judi Dench did the narration for the documentary.

noun [C or U] FORMAL
a story or a description of a series of events:
It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.

noun [C]
the character who tells you what is happening in a book or film

Wikipedia article "Roman Polanski". 的自述"Roman by Polanski "雙關語:roman 是法語」小說」又是他的名字。
· Polanski, Roman. (1984). "Roman". New York: Morrow. (1985). "Roman". London: Heinemann. London: Pan.


  1. A narrative poem or a prose tale in medieval French literature.
  2. A novel.
[French, from Old French romans, romance. See romance.]


gar • ner
garners (複数形) • garnered (過去形) • garnered (過去分詞) • garnering (現在分詞) • garners (三人称単数現在)
1 (穀物倉・貯蔵所などに)…をたくわえる, 蓄積する;…を集める.
2 …を得る, 手に入れる.
1 穀物倉.
2 たくわえ, 蓄積, 貯蔵.

2013年3月24日 星期日

purchasable, wish list, shopping list, Repurchase Agreement - Repo/purchase

 wish list, shopping list

shopping list
  1. A list of items to be purchased.
  2. Informal. An enumeration, as of items desired or matters being considered: "It is easy enough to draw up a shopping list of what one would like to know" (James Le Fanu).

wish list, shopping list

German Business Gives Merkel a New Wish List
German business wasted no time in making demands on the country's next government, following Sunday's election victory by Merkel's center-right alliance.

wish list
An often mental list of things wanted or wished for.


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[pə'ːrtʃəs]

1 ((形式))…を購入する;[purchase A B/purchase B for A]〈A(人)にB(物)を〉買う, 買ってやる. ▼buyより改まった語
purchase a new car for 5,000 dollars
I purchased my wife a new coat [=a new coat for my wife].
2 ((文))〈勝利・自由などを〉(努力して)手に入れる, 勝ち取る;《法律》〈土地・財産を〉(相続以外の方法で)取得する
purchase freedom with blood
3 〈金などが〉…を買うのに十分である.
4 〈錨(いかり)などを〉(てこ・滑車などを使って)動かす;…に滑車を仕掛ける.
1 [C][U]購入, 買い入れ
find purchase
a wise purchase
make a purchase
(a) gift with purchase
2 ((しばしば〜s))買い物;買った物, 購入品.
3 [U]《法律》(相続以外による財産の)取得, 譲り受け.
4 [U](努力などによる)獲得, 取得.
5 起重装置, てこ, 滑車, 巻き揚げ機.
6 (重い物を動かしたりする時の)力のかかる場所, 足掛かり;(てこの)支点;[U]てこ作用.
7 [U]土地からの年収, 上がり高(地代など);価値.
8 [U]((時にa [the] 〜))しっかり握ること;手[足]掛かり
get [gain] a purchase on
be not worth an hour's [a day's] purchase
on special purchase


(adjective) Capable of being corrupted.
Synonyms:bribable, corruptible, venal, dishonest
Usage:If there is just one purchasable juror assigned to my case, I may have a chance of beating the charges.

Repurchase Agreement - Repo for Lehman Brothers

雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)倒閉調查報告出爐,震撼華爾街和倫敦金融城,重創銀行業信譽。各大金融機構人人自危,紛紛出面澄清絕無非法的作帳行為。
這份長達2,200頁的調查報告,完整揭發雷曼前高階主管和Ernst & Young審計員的惡行,也讓原來已聲名狼藉的銀行業更難堪。
倫敦金融時報駐華爾街特派記者貝爾指出,大量使用Repo 市場的多是獨立投資銀行,現在獨立的投資銀行已較少見。其他銀行表示未參與這種交易,前雷曼員工和其他接受調查者也相信,雷曼是唯一使用Repo 105交易的公司。
調查報告點名七家雷曼交易對手,名稱在報告中大多數只用簡稱表示。報告寫道:雷曼在2007到2008年的交易對手主要是瑞穗、巴克萊、瑞士銀行 (UBS)、三菱和KBC,代表的是瑞穗金融集團、巴克萊公司(Barclays PLC)、瑞士銀行集團(UBS AG)、三菱日聯金融集團和KBC集團旗下的部門。名稱比較完整呈現的是德意志銀行集團(Deutsche Bank AG)和荷蘭銀行控股公司(ABN Amro Holding NV)。

Repurchase Agreement - Repo

A form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. The dealer sells the government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis, and buys them back the following day.

For the party selling the security (and agreeing to repurchase it in the future) it is a repo; for the party on the other end of the transaction, (buying the security and agreeing to sell in the future) it is a reverse repurchase agreement.
Investopedia Says:
Repos are classified as a money-market instrument. They are usually used to raise short-term capital.
Related Links:
If your investments in the stock market are keeping you from sleeping at night, it's time to learn about the safer alternatives in the money market. The Money Market

2013年3月20日 星期三

buttle/butler, behead, beheading, decollate, decapitate, golden goose,firing squad

Lack of Swordsmen May Lead Saudis to Abolish Beheadings
The kingdom is considering ending execution by beheading in favor of firing squads

Beheading the golden goose
Indonesia's lost labour is a loss for the Saudis too(9)
Gundlach's Victory Lap Jeffrey Gundlach, the colorful bond fund manager whose trial against his former employer, Trust Company of the West, ended recently in a split decision, has claimed victory in Bloomberg Businessweek's "Hard Choices" column. In the column, Mr. Gundlach calls himself the "golden goose," reveals how starting DoubleLine Capital made him feel abandoned, and says that he found relief in a New York Times crossword puzzle.

golden goose
a continuing source of wealth or profit.

(bĭ-hĕd') pronunciation
tr.v., -head·ed, -head·ing, -heads.
To separate the head from; decapitate.

[Middle English biheden, from Old English behēafdian : be-, away from; see be- + hēafod, head; see head.]

To behead.
Usage:King Louis XVI was decollated by means of a guillotine in 1793.

buttle (BUT-l)

verb intr.: To do a butler's work.

Back-formation from butler, from Old French bouteillier (cup-bearer), from bouteille (bottle). Originally, a butler was in charge of the wine. Earliest recorded use: 1867.

"The top hotels in Saudi Arabia are staffed by foreign men -- something I realized must be the case when my butler at the Al Faisaliah folded my underwear unprompted. If I were buttled by a Saudi, we'd probably be shuttled to Deera Square -- or Chop Chop Square, as it's better known -- where the public beheadings occur." — Maureen Dowd; A Girls' Guide to Saudi Arabia; Vanity Fair (New York); Aug 2010. http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2010/08/maureen-dowd-201008

2013年3月15日 星期五

ice cube machine, careers advice, bout

On Oct. 30, 1974, Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the eighth round of a 15-round bout in Kinshasa, Zaire, to regain his world heavyweight title.

Wanderlei Silva set for bout
Wanderlei Silva has returned to a familiar place -- and weight -- for his upcoming light-heavyweight bout against Brian Stann at a UFC on Fuel event in Saitama, Japan. Silva, 36, is set to compete in Japan for the first time since December 2006. The ...
See all stories on this topic »

careers advice

Katharine Horler, of Connexions, which provides advice to teenagers, said people were wrong to judge careers advice on whether they ended up doing the job their advisor suggested.
She explained: "That's not what careers advice is about.
"Careers advice is about developing decision making skills, developing resilience to help you manage the ups and downs that come with a career.
"Good careers advice is actually about helping people develop those skills for the whole of their careers and for the rest of their lives."

Commercial Ice Cube Machines Recalled by Scotsman Due to Fire Hazard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Scotsman(r) Commercial Modular Cube Ice Machines (Modular Cubers)
Units: About 43,000
Manufacturer: Scotsman Group LLC, of Vernon Hills, Ill.
Hazard: The solenoid, an electrical component in the product, can fail and result in an electrical arc that can pose a fire hazard.

(bout) pronunciation
  1. A contest between antagonists; a match: a wrestling bout.
  2. A period of time spent in a particular way; a spell: "His tremendous bouts of drinking had wrecked his health" (Thomas Wolfe).
[From obsolete English bought, a turning (influenced by ABOUT), from Middle English, from bowen, to bend, turn. See bow2.]


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[báut]
 (ボクシング・レスリング・フェンシングなどの)一試合[勝負];競争, 張り合い
have a bout with ...
play one bout or two
1, 2回勝負する.
2 ひとしきり続く不快な状態
have two bouts of cold
3 (いやな)一仕事, 一働き
have a bout at the word processor
4 狂騒, 激しい一時的な行動
drinking bout

2013年3月14日 星期四

flavor, Coca-Cola/ Classic, Illegally Using GPS to gather confidential information,

China Accuses Coca-Cola of Illegally Using GPS

BEIJING—Authorities in China accused Coca-Cola Co. of illegally using the Global Positioning System to gather confidential information, the latest episode spotlighting the sensitivity surrounding data gathering in the country.
In London, a Taste of America
A look at three restaurants reaching across the Atlantic for flavor.

Why did Coca-Cola get the new name, Coke Classic? It comes from the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule. Coca-Cola was the leading soft drink when it started to lose market share to the sweeter-tasting Pepsi. A decision was made to change Coke's formula. It was to be just a small change, but would at the same time allow the company to freshen its look and ignite some marketing buzz. Twenty-five years ago today, New Coke appeared on the shelves. It was a marketing disaster. Even though many people actually liked the sweeter taste, a small but very vocal group loudly objected to the change. Three months later, the company re-released a version of the original flavor, under the name Coke Classic. New Coke (also called Coca-Cola II) was discontinued in most places by 2002, and "Coca-Cola" refers to the flagship soft drink.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[fléivər]

1 (独特の)味, 風味, 香味. ⇒TASTE[類語]
give flavor to food
What flavor (of) ice cream do you have
2 調味料, 香辛料, 薬味
an artificial flavor
3 趣, 味わい, 持ち味, 特色
an autumn flavor
catch the flavor of the original
4 [U]((古))芳香.
5 《物理学》フレイバー:クオークまたはレプトンを識別する内部量子数.
flavor of the month [the week]
((米略式))今はやりのもの[こと];時の人;一時的なもの, 一過性のもの.
━━[動](他)〈飲食物に〉(…で)味をつける((with ...));〈生活・話などに〉趣を添える.
[中フランス語←後ラテン語flātor(悪臭). -v-がはいったのはsavour(風味)の類推による]
"Without a Coca-Cola life is unthinkable."Henry Miller, The Air-Conditioned Nightmare