He was roused by the bluff greeting of an acquaintance not dissimilar to himself in age, manner, and apparel.wear
To pass gradually or tediously: The hours wore on.
"H'lo, Silly Bill!" said this person, William Sylvanus Baxter. "What's the news?"
Greenspan concedes missteps
Greenspan acknowledged a range of regulatory failures in a review of the causes of the financial crisis, but disputed the view that the Fed left interest rates too low for too long.
Peacemaking in the Mideast: Obama's Year of Missteps
By Massimo Calabresi / Washington
The Israelis weren't prepared to go as far as Washington demanded; the Palestinians wouldn't settle for anything less
- 発音記号[əpǽrəl]
2 装飾となるもの, おおい.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)((古))
1 〈人に〉衣服を着せる, を装わせる((in ...)).
2 …を(…で)飾る((with, in ...)).Wang was restless, always heading off in a new direction, copying one master after another. He succeeded so well that by the end of this exhibition the perfectionism, the lack of noticeable missteps, can almost be wearing.