2012年6月21日 星期四

wearing, misstep, apparel, wear on


  To pass gradually or tediously: The hours wore on.

8 〈時を〉だらだら過ごす((away, out))
wear the evening away watching TV

He was roused by the bluff greeting of an acquaintance not dissimilar to himself in age, manner, and apparel.
"H'lo, Silly Bill!" said this person, William Sylvanus Baxter. "What's the news?"



Greenspan concedes missteps

Greenspan acknowledged a range of regulatory failures in a review of the causes of the financial crisis, but disputed the view that the Fed left interest rates too low for too long.

Peacemaking in the Mideast: Obama's Year of Missteps

By Massimo Calabresi / Washington
The Israelis weren't prepared to go as far as Washington demanded; the Palestinians wouldn't settle for anything less


  • 発音記号[əpǽrəl]
1 ((形式))(特に特別な場で着るような)衣服, 服装, 装い. ⇒CLOTHES[類語]
intimate apparel
ladies' [men's, children's] apparel
((米))婦人[紳士, 子供]用衣類(▼店頭掲示).
2 装飾となるもの, おおい.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)((古))
1 〈人に〉衣服を着せる, を装わせる((in ...)).
2 …を(…で)飾る((with, in ...)).
Wang was restless, always heading off in a new direction, copying one master after another. He succeeded so well that by the end of this exhibition the perfectionism, the lack of noticeable missteps, can almost be wearing.

  • wearing
  • 1.intended to be worn: wearing apparel.
    1. Causing fatigue; tiring: a wearing visit.
    2. Causing wear; eroding: the wearing effects of wind on rock formations.
    3. Subject to or showing indication of wear: lubrication applied to wearing points.
