2012年6月18日 星期一

positioned, put to the test, darling,free-wheeling style, Peter Gay

紀念 Peter Gay, part I -- 鍾漢清談 Peter Gay 的一些著作

Group of 20 Meets in a Mexico Set To Outpace Brazil

Brazil has been Latin America’s economic darling, but Mexico’s growth has moved ahead, spurred by rising exports during China’s slowdown.

Motorola's efforts to adopt a more innovative, less bureaucratic culture will be put to the test with its upcoming tie-up with Google, an Internet darling half a continent away that helped pioneer a free-wheeling style.


At the core of Google's $12.5 billion deal with Motorola Mobility is Silicon Valley engineer Andy Rubin, who in six years has reordered the wireless market and positioned the Internet giant as a central player in it.


  • 発音記号[dɑ'ːrliŋ]
1 最愛の人, かわいい人, いとし子, 秘蔵っ子, お気に入りの人[動物, 物]
Fortune's darling
That singer is the darling of young people.
2 ((夫婦・恋人・親子間の呼びかけ))あなた, おまえ
Come here, my darling!
ねえあなた, こっちへ来て.
1 最愛の, いとしい, お気に入りの, 愛用の
my darling daughter
2 ((略式))((通例女性語))非常に美しい, すばらしい;かわいらしい
a darling dress
3 あこがれの, 切望している.
[古英語dēorling(dēor親しい+-ling指小辞). △SUCKLING, FOUNDLING
