2012年6月20日 星期三

fed up, sent letters by, courier, listless, lethargic

Pledge for Euro Unity May Not Be Enough to Satisfy Markets

Leaders of France and Germany urged economic harmony for euro nations, but it was unclear if their plans would be enough to settle markets anxious over Europe’s debts and listless economies.

Apple, Google Pressed on Tracking
Apple, Google and several other developers of mobile operating systems were sent letters by a House committee that oversees privacy issues, seeking more information about whether they are tracking users' locations.

fed up

Unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer: She was fed up with their complaints. I resigned because I was fed up.

Fed up


To have had more than enough of something or someone, or to be bored with or tired of the same.


'Fed up' conveys a feeling of being listless and somewhat annoyed, rather like the later English RAF/Army slang expressions 'browned off', 'brassed off' and 'cheesed off'. It has a different origin from those obscure military expressions, as it has a literal meaning, which is 'satiated with food'.
Sadly, we often forget the wisdom of the old English proverb 'enough is as good as a feast' and, having already eaten our fill, eat just that little bit more. The unpleasant feeling that comes from eating more than is good for us is what is meant by 'fed up'.
The expression dates from the early 19th century, when the languid aristocracy were compared to farm animals that were force fed to make them plump for market. This piece, from the English newspaper The Middlesex Courier, February 1832, recounts a court case in which it was argued that the Duke of Bourbon couldn't have hanged himself, being unable either to stand on a chair or tie a knot. The lawyer referred to 'the awkwardness of Princes', saying:
Every thing being done for them, they never learn to do anything; they are fed up, as it were, in a stall to exist and not to act. It is rare to find a Prince who can walk decently across a room.
Later in the century, other groups who were considered to be idlers were also described as 'fed up'. An example of that is given in this piece from The Anglo-Brazilian Times, 1873:
For eight months the Brazilian Government has been supporting immigrants from England, when, instead of being fed up in idleness, they really ought to have been prosecuted for representing themselves as agricultural labourers in place of the vagabonds they proved themselves to be.
The phrase began creeping into general parlance in the late 19th century and was sometimes emphasized graphically in the extended forms 'fed up to the eyeballs', 'fed up to the back teeth' etc. An early figurative use of the phrase, where no reference is made to overfeeding, appeared in The Westmoreland Gazette, November 1900:
It may be quite true that, to use an expression often heard in South Africa just now, the men are 'fed up' with the war.
Fed up - Monsiuer CresoteIn our own time, the best example of being 'fed up' is in the black comedy Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, 1983, in which the bad-tempered and satiated Monsieur Creosote, played by Terry Jones, is induced to eat just 'one more wafer-thin mint', before exploding.

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(lĭst'lĭs) pronunciation
Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic: reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation.

[Middle English listles : probably from liste, desire (from listen, to desire; see list5) + -les, -lesse, -less.]
listlessly list'less·ly adv.
listlessness list'less·ness n.


  • [kə'ːriər | kúr-]
1 (手紙・小包などの)運搬[配達]人;急送[宅配]便業者
a motorcycle courier
a private courier firm
2 ((主に英))旅行世話人;(旅行社の)ガイド, 添乗員.
(1) (外交文書・重要書類などを携行する)急使.
(2) 急使が利用する輸送機関(飛行機・船など).
4 ((C-))((新聞・雑誌等の名称に用いて))…クーリア, …新報
the Liverpool Courier


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ləθɑ'ːrdʒik | le-]
1 無気力の, けだるい.
2 昏睡(こんすい)(状態)の, 病的に眠い.
