2012年6月29日 星期五

conversation, dialogue, probophile, ostracised, vilified.

“There’s a real culture of secrecy here that influences everything,” the former executive said.
Some other technology companies operate differently.
“We talk to a lot of outsiders,” said Gary Niekerk, director of corporate citizenship at Intel. “The world’s complex, and unless we’re dialoguing with outside groups, we miss a lot.”

The probophile', Davies and Kenny write, ' places false confidence in numbers ,
and uses these as his focus for justification of activity, ...


In much the same vein: ‘Probophilia’, a doctor writes, ‘is a pathological love of verification over achievement’. Ivan Tyrell, a leader in the Human Givens movement (a profoundly constructive and efficacious approach to mental health), described the same phenomenon as ‘obsessive target disorder’. The point being made is that those who suffer from this disorder are mad but they don’t know it.

The probophiles create their own disconnected world, the doctor writes. It is so true. Some fledgling systems thinkers in the NHS who have tried to get a dialogue going with managers about the need to study the system and then change the measures etc find themselves ostracised and vilified. It is like something out of a Dilbert cartoon. The mind-blocked probophiles cannot even connect, to do so would disturb their psychological edifice, so they attack instead. We should worry, over the last ten years the NHS has created a monstrous management culture. If this continues in the new structures we can only expect more of the same.

You can read the doctor’s paper here:


    1. The spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; talk.
    2. An instance of this: held a long conversation on the subject.
  1. An informal discussion of a matter by representatives of governments, institutions, or organizations.
conversational con'ver·sa'tion·al adj.
conversationally con'ver·sa'tion·al·ly adv.
  1. A conversation between two or more people.
    1. Conversation between characters in a drama or narrative.
    2. The lines or passages in a script that are intended to be spoken.
  2. A literary work written in the form of a conversation: the dialogues of Plato.
  3. Music. A composition or passage for two or more parts, suggestive of conversational interplay.
  4. An exchange of ideas or opinions: achieving constructive dialogue with all political elements.

v., -logued, or -loged, -logu·ing, or -log·ing, -logues, or -logs. v.tr.
To express as or in a dialogue.

  1. To converse in a dialogue.
  2. Usage Problem. To engage in an informal exchange of views.
[Middle English dialog, from Old French dialogue, from Latin dialogus, from Greek dialogos, conversation, from dialegesthai, to discuss. See dialect.]
dialoguer di'a·log'uer n.
USAGE NOTE In recent years the verb sense of dialogue meaning "to engage in an informal exchange of views" has been revived, particularly with reference to communication between parties in institutional or political contexts. Although Shakespeare, Coleridge, and Carlyle used it, this usage today is widely regarded as jargon or bureaucratese. Ninety-eight percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence Critics have charged that the department was remiss in not trying to dialogue with representatives of the community before hiring the new officers.

fall in line, impetus, Ride Crisis to Victory

 People like Ms. White of Harvard say that until consumers demand better conditions in overseas factories — as they did for companies like Nike and Gap, which today have overhauled conditions among suppliers — or regulators act, there is little impetus for radical change. Some Apple insiders agree.

Ride Crisis to Victory in Spanish Vote

Spain's conservative opposition won a sweeping electoral victory, in the latest sign that Europe's financial crisis is remaking the political map.

Riders fall in line after rail problem

v., rode (rōd), rid·den (rĭd'n), rid·ing, rides. v.intr.
  1. To be carried or conveyed, as in a vehicle or on horseback.
  2. To travel over a surface: This car rides well.
  3. To move by way of an intangible force or impetus; move as if on water: The President rode into office on a tide of discontent.
  4. Nautical. To lie at anchor: battleships riding at the mouth of the estuary.
  5. To seem to float: The moon was riding among the clouds.
  6. To be sustained or supported on a pivot, axle, or other point.
  7. To be contingent; depend: The final outcome rides on the results of the election.
  8. To continue without interference: Let the matter ride.
  9. To work or move from the proper place, especially on the body: pants that ride up.
  1. To sit on and move in a given direction: rode a motorcycle to town; ride a horse to the village.
  2. To travel over, along, or through: ride the highways.
  3. To be supported or carried on: a swimmer riding the waves.
  4. To take part in or do by riding: He rode his last race.
  5. To cause to ride, especially to cause to be carried.
  6. Nautical. To keep (a vessel) at anchor.
  7. Informal.
    1. To tease or ridicule.
    2. To harass with persistent carping and criticism.
  8. To keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot: Don't ride the clutch or the brakes.
  1. The act or an instance of riding, as in a vehicle or on an animal.
  2. A path made for riding on horseback, especially through woodlands.
  3. A device, such as one at an amusement park, that one rides for pleasure or excitement.
  4. A means of transportation: waiting for her ride to come.

fall in line
Also, fall into line. Adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action. For example,This idea falls in line with the entire agenda, or It wasn't easy to get all the tenants to fall into line concerning the rent hike. A related term is bring into line, meaning "to make someone fit established rules," as in It was her job to bring her class into line with the others. These terms employ line in the sense of "alignment," a usage dating from about 1500.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ímpətəs]
1 [U][C]起動力;勢い, はずみ;(…に対する)刺激((to ...))
gainlose] impetus
the impetus of a hard push from behind
His success gave a great impetus to the others.
2 [U]《力学》運動力.
[ラテン語impetus (im-上に+petere落ちる+-tus過去分詞語尾=上に突入すること). △PETITION, REPEAT

defunct, in-orbit spacecraft collision, marathon, to orbit

German Silva, left, of Mexico, made a wrong turn and entered Central Park a block too early during the final minutes of the New York City Marathon in 1994.  He overcame the wrong turn to win the race with a time of 2:11:21.
Carol Zoccola/Associated Press

42 Years of Memorable Marathon Moments

The New York City Marathon has produced runner collisions, a wrong turn into Central Park, above, and even a dust cloud that obscured the runners.

Google Trio Convicted of Privacy Violations
An Italian court convicted three Google executives of violating the privacy of a disabled boy by allowing a 2006 video of students bullying the boy to air on the now-defunct Google Video site, in a ruling that could restrict the way Internet companies operate in Italy.

A Cosmic Question: How to Get Rid
Of All That Orbiting Space Junk?

Last month's collision of an American satellite with a defunct Russian one added much more debris to space, sparking renewed interest in space-cleaning ideas.

 On June 29, 1995, the shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth.

Satellites Destroyed in Orbital Collision
A U.S. commercial satellite was destroyed in a crash with a defunct Russian military satellite. NASA said it was the first in-orbit spacecraft collision.


Steele's Campaign Spending Questioned
Michael S. Steele, the newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, arranged for his 2006 Senate campaign to pay a defunct company run by his sister for services that were never performed, his finance chairman from that campaign has told federal prosecutors.
(By Henri E. Cauvin, The Washington Post)

defunct company
Company that no longer exists; company that has suspended all operations and is out of business.


━━ a. 現存しない, 消滅した; 死んだ (the ~ 故人).


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[ɔ'ːrbit]
1 《天文》軌道
the earth's orbit round the sun
putsend] a satellite ininto] orbit about the earth
2 (人生の)行路;活動[経験]範囲;勢力圏.
3 《解剖学》眼窩(がんか)(eye socket);目;眼球.
4 《物理学》電子軌道.
5 《航空》(着陸待ちなどの)旋回コース.
go into orbit
1 〈天体の〉周囲を軌道を描いて回る;…を旋回する.
2 〈人工衛星などを〉軌道に乗せる.

2012年6月25日 星期一

collaborate, cooperate, hold one's own, reasonably

 20 Taiwan Businesspeople To Watch -- Why Taiwan Matters
In conversations about Asia's future these days, it's usually mainland China and India that get the most attention, and reasonably so. They have relatively big ...

Growth in the Middle East and the privatizing of many industries that were previously controlled by national governments have demonstrated the region’s need to cultivate more leaders who can hold their own on the international stage. To develop new executive talent, Middle East leaders are examining the roots of their own success.

hold one's own
Do reasonably well despite opposition, competition, or criticism. For example, The team held its own against their opponents, or Rumors often hold their own against facts. [First half of 1300s]

從字根稍可了解此兩字之差異 :Collaborate vs Cooperate 共同研究 提攜 協力
James March 在謝辭
I am grateful for the collaboration of my co-authors…; and for the cooperation of the journals in which the papers are first appeared.

(kə-lăb'ə-rāt') pronunciation
intr.v., -rat·ed, -rat·ing, -rates.
  1. To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
  2. To cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.
[Late Latin collabōrāre, collabōrāt- : Latin com-, com- + Latin labōrāre, to work (from labor, toil).]
collaboration col·lab'o·ra'tion n.

collaborative col·lab'o·ra'tive adj.
collaborator col·lab'o·ra'tor n.

  • [kəlǽbərèit]
1 (人と)共同して行う((with ...));(仕事を)共同でする((in ..., to do));(作品を)合作する, 共同制作する((on ...))
collaborate with a person on a book [=in writing]
2 (敵国などに進んで)協力する((with ...)).
[後ラテン語collabōrātus (col-共に+labor仕事+-ATE1=共同して働く)]


(kō-ŏp'ə-rāt') pronunciation
intr.v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.
  1. To work or act together toward a common end or purpose.
  2. To acquiesce willingly; be compliant: asked the child to cooperate and go to bed.
  3. To form an association for common, usually economic, benefit: When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.
[Late Latin cooperārī, cooperāt- : Latin co-, co- + operārī, to work (from opus, oper-, work).]
cooperator co·op'er·a'tor n.

  • [kouɑ'pərèit | -ɔ'p-]
1 [cooperate with A]〈A(人)と〉(…で)協力する, 協同する((in, for, on ...));〈Aと〉(…するために)協力する((to do))
cooperate with a person on a project
Everyone cooperated with the police to find the lost child.
2II to do]〈事情が〉働き合って(…)する, (…)の結果を生じる
Various circumstances cooperated to make him a great success.
3 経済協力をする.
4 おとなしく言うことを聞く.

2012年6月23日 星期六

form and features, labor of love, tough love, tough cry

Richard Ford: By the Book

The author of "Independence Day" and "The Sportswriter" says he's not a tough cry under any circumstances. "My own book 'Canada' made me cry the last time I read it."

America and Israel

A new book lowers the boom on some of Israel’s firmest friends

It was during my first furlough in Canada, in 1880, that the people of my native county, Oxford, Ontario, at the sugges- tion of the " Sentinel- Revie w " newspaper of Woodstock, undertook to raise funds sufficient for erecting a college building in Formosa. Ministers and other Christian friends ap- proved of the proposal, and it was carried out with enthusiasm and vigor. At an immense farewell meeting held in the Methodist church, Woodstock, on the eve of my return to Formosa, the sum of $6215 was presented to me; and with that money the college building at Tamsui was erected, and, as was fitting, it w^as called Oxford College. It is with gratitude and pleasure that I recall this and other tokens of regard on the part of my home friends ; and when I think of that farewell meeting in 1881 there stand out against the back- ground of loving memory the form and features of Oxford's greatest son, the late Rev. John Ross, of Brucefield, whose life of faith was to me an inspiration, and whose labor of love the Canadian church ought not to forget. pp 291- 292 FROM FAR FORMOSA 

 tough love
The use of strict disciplinary measures and limitations on freedoms or privileges, as by a parent or guardian, as a means of fostering responsibility and expressing care or concern.

((米))(友人や家族の麻薬中毒などを治すために)きびしい態度をとること, 愛のむち.

  form and features 性格與特徵

  labor of love
 Work done for one's satisfaction rather than monetary reward. For example, The research took three years but it was a labor of love. This expression appears twice in the New Testament (Hebrews 6:10, Thessalonians 1:3), referring to those who do God's work as a labor of love. [c. 1600]

 a labor of love

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;

(tŭf) pronunciation
adj., tough·er, tough·est.
  1. Able to withstand great strain without tearing or breaking; strong and resilient: a tough all-weather fabric.
  2. Hard to cut or chew: tough meat.
  3. Physically hardy; rugged: tough mountaineers; a tough cop.
  4. Severe; harsh: a tough winter.
    1. Aggressive; pugnacious.
    2. Inclined to violent or disruptive behavior; rowdy or rough: a tough street group.
  5. Demanding or troubling; difficult: skipping the toughest questions.
  6. Strong-minded; resolute: a tough negotiator.
  7. Slang. Unfortunate; too bad: a tough break.
  8. Slang. Fine; great.
A violent or rowdy person; a hoodlum or thug.

idiom:tough it out Slang.
  1. To get through despite hardship; endure: "It helps if one was raised to tough it out" (Gail Sheehy).
[Middle English, from Old English tōh.]
toughly tough'ly adv.
toughness tough'ness n

night cap, patronising, Federated Hospitality

Dirk Elzinga, chairman of the Cape region of the Federated Hospitality Association of Southern Africa, said the "patronising and childish" law which would also prevent international guests arriving on late long-haul flights from enjoying a night cap.

 去年,為了開發中國市場,負責中國的張齊娥,為集團旗下的中國酒店基金(China Hospitality Fund),募得十點七億的人民幣資金。這不但代表悅榕在中國現有的七個據點深獲肯定,也象徵投資者看好集團未來的經營能力。


night cap:名詞,睡前酒,或結束一晚飲宴前的最後一杯酒。例句:A night cap gives me a good night’s sleep.(睡前小酌讓我一夜好睡。)


[動] 〔fédrèit〕 (他)(自)
1 (州を)連合させる;連合する.
2 (国に)連邦制を敷く.
━━[形] 〔fédrt〕 連合した;連邦制度の
federate nations


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[hɑ`spətǽləti | hɔ`s-]
[名](複 -ties)[U][C]
1 厚遇, 歓待, 心のこもったサービス
give hospitality to a person
Thank you for your hospitality.
ご歓待にあずかり, ありがとうございました.
2 (新思想などの)理解, 受容
extend a wide hospitality to Western thought
hospitality suite

2012年6月21日 星期四

Maori, Pakeha, reconnoiter, territory

Waitangi Meeting House
Waitangi Meeting House
Why is today called Waitangi Day if it celebrates the founding of New Zealand? On this date in 1840, some 40 Maori chiefs and British Governor William Hobson gathered in the village of Waitangi, in the Bay of Islands, to sign a treaty which gave Britain sovereignty over the land of New Zealand, while protecting the Maoris' ownership of their lands and treasures. This was called the Treaty of Waitangi. Over the coming years, the Maori were disappointed with persistent encroachment upon their territory, and battles ensued. A New Zealand government eventually apologized for violations of the treaty, promising compensation. Today, Waitangi Day (celebrated on February 6), is considered New Zealand's founding day and is a national holiday. The term Maori means "original people" 原住民 or "local people." It was used to signify the local inhabitants of New Zealand, as opposed to the "Pakeha," the "new arrivals." When the European settlers came to the area, the word came to mean the Maori people.

"New Zealand is not a small country but a large village."Peter Jackson


reconnoiter, ((英))-tre[re・con・noi・ter, ((英))-tre]

  • 発音記号[rìːkənɔ'itər | rèk-]
re・con・noi・ter・er, ((英))-trer

wearing, misstep, apparel, wear on


  To pass gradually or tediously: The hours wore on.

8 〈時を〉だらだら過ごす((away, out))
wear the evening away watching TV

He was roused by the bluff greeting of an acquaintance not dissimilar to himself in age, manner, and apparel.
"H'lo, Silly Bill!" said this person, William Sylvanus Baxter. "What's the news?"



Greenspan concedes missteps

Greenspan acknowledged a range of regulatory failures in a review of the causes of the financial crisis, but disputed the view that the Fed left interest rates too low for too long.

Peacemaking in the Mideast: Obama's Year of Missteps

By Massimo Calabresi / Washington
The Israelis weren't prepared to go as far as Washington demanded; the Palestinians wouldn't settle for anything less


  • 発音記号[əpǽrəl]
1 ((形式))(特に特別な場で着るような)衣服, 服装, 装い. ⇒CLOTHES[類語]
intimate apparel
ladies' [men's, children's] apparel
((米))婦人[紳士, 子供]用衣類(▼店頭掲示).
2 装飾となるもの, おおい.
━━[動](〜ed, 〜・ing;((英))〜led, 〜・ling)(他)((古))
1 〈人に〉衣服を着せる, を装わせる((in ...)).
2 …を(…で)飾る((with, in ...)).
Wang was restless, always heading off in a new direction, copying one master after another. He succeeded so well that by the end of this exhibition the perfectionism, the lack of noticeable missteps, can almost be wearing.

  • wearing
  • 1.intended to be worn: wearing apparel.
    1. Causing fatigue; tiring: a wearing visit.
    2. Causing wear; eroding: the wearing effects of wind on rock formations.
    3. Subject to or showing indication of wear: lubrication applied to wearing points.

in the teeth of, stuck, wearable, to the teeth, lasso, feifer

The head-hunters were armed to the teeth.

Six Great Gifts For Photographers

Stuck for a gift to give your household shutterbug? Here are some of my favorites from this year -- as well as some perennial favorites -- at a variety of prices.

Wearing Your Computer on Your Sleeve

Millions of people stroll through life staring into a mobile device, absorbed by their screens. Technology will solve this problem by creating wearable computers.

lasso, feifer
Two cows have escaped from a trailer onto a busy Massachusetts highway, but a cowboy stuck in the traffic jam has come to the rescue.
State police say a man wearing a Western hat and boots lassoed the 500-pound heifers Tuesday morning as they wandered on Interstate 91 South in Springfield, one of the state’s biggest cities.

heif·er (hĕf'ər) pronunciation
A young cow, especially one that has not yet given birth to a calf.

[Middle English, from Old English hēahfore.]

las·so (lăs'ō, lă-sū') pronunciation

n., pl., -sos, or -soes.
A long rope with a running noose at one end, used especially to catch horses and cattle. Also called lariat.

tr.v., -soed, -so·ing, -sos, or -soes.
To catch with or as if with such a long rope.

[Spanish lazo, from Vulgar Latin *laceum, noose. See lace.]
lassoer las'so·er n.

in the teeth of

1. Straight into, confronting, as in The ship was headed in the teeth of the gale. [Late 1200s]
2. In opposition to or defiance of, as in She stuck to her position in the teeth of criticism by the board members. [Late 1700s] Also see fly in the face of.
3. Facing danger or threats, as in The tribe was in the teeth of starvation. [Early 1800s]

to the teeth of a person[to the teeth of a person]


IN BRIEF: adj. - Caught or fixed; Baffled.

pronunciation Success may be the ability to be happy with whatever we're stuck with. — Marilyn vos Savant

distaste for (the spotlight,...), gunrunning sting

Opinion »

Editorial: A Pointless Partisan Fight
The clash over Justice Department documents in an investigation of a botched gunrunning sting could and should have been avoided.

Distaste for Health Care Law Reflects Spending on Ads

About $235 million has gone to advertisements attacking the law, which most Americans want overturned, and $69 million to ads supporting it.

SAC's Cohen Is Going to Davos: Steven A. Cohen, the founder of SAC Capital who is known for his distaste for the spotlight, will take his place among the world's rich and powerful at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, next week.

For China, Iran uranium plant no game changer
By Emma Graham-Harrison - Analysis BEIJING (Reuters) - China's distaste for sanctions and appetite for Iran's oil may hamper Western efforts to ramp up ...

Rupert Murdoch is pointing a gun to Google's head, and Microsoft is helping him pull back the trigger. For the past few weeks, Murdoch and his officers at News Corp. have been very vocal about their distaste for Google and their desire to lead other media companies in a boycott of sorts.

 (dĭs-tāst') pronunciation
Dislike or aversion.

tr.v. Archaic, -tast·ed, -tast·ing, -tastes.
  1. To feel repugnance for; dislike.
  2. To offend; displease.

(gŭn'rŭn'ər) pronunciation
One that smuggles firearms and ammunition.

gunrunning gun'run'ning n.


  • Slang. A complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care, especially an operation organized and implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals.

  • harpoon, a mid-life crisis, kayaker

      Wash. kayakers find possible Japanese house pieces
    New York Daily News
    Tsunami debris? Kayakers find possible remnants of Japanese home on rugged Washington coast SEATTLE (AP) — Kayakers surveying Washington state's ...

    The harpoon struck but did not embed.
    中英對照讀新聞/Tsunami harpoons Japanese whaling town 海嘯獵殺了日本的捕鯨重鎮
    ◎ 魏國金
    The Japanese whaling town of Ayukawa has survived the wrath of environmental groups for decades, but had no defence against a giant tsunami that wiped out the industry here, possibly for ever.
    One of four communities in Japan that have continued to hunt and eat whales in defiance of international opposition, the town was already down to a single operating company, Ayukawa Whaling.
    The March 11 tsunami that slammed into Japan’s northeast coast took most of Ayukawa with it, destroying 80 percent of houses and leaving 400 of its 1,400 residents unaccounted for.
    The wave shattered Ayukawa Whaling’s storage facility and carried its fleet of three whaling ships hundreds of metres inland where they now lie grounded and impotent.
    "This is the biggest ever crisis for us," said company chairman Minoru Ito. Ito, 74, survived the disaster, along with all of his 28 employees, after they fled to higher ground in the wake of the 9.0-magnitude earthquake that triggered the tsunami.
    The survival of their livelihoods is another matter and Ito said he had already decided to lay everybody off and suspend all whaling operations. It was a tough decision. Ito has been hunting whales for half a century. "For me, whaling is not just culture or tradition. It’s part of my life," he said.
    in defiance of ︰無視、違抗。例句︰Many people took part in the anti-government rallies in defiance of martial law.(許多人無視戒嚴法,參加反政府集會。)
    unaccounted for︰未加說明的、下落不明的。例句︰His mistake remained unaccounted for.(他的錯誤仍未解釋清楚。)
    lay off︰解雇、戒絕、停止。例句︰Lay off me, will you?(別管我,好嗎?)
    不只人會有中年危機 組織亦然

    India’s most dynamic, but no longer so youthful, industry tries to reinvent itself(34)

    (här-pūn') pronunciation
    A spearlike weapon with a barbed head used in hunting whales and large fish.

    tr.v., -pooned, -poon·ing, -poons.
    To strike, kill, or capture with or as if with a spearlike weapon.

    [Probably from Dutch harpoen, from Middle Dutch, from Old French harpon, possibly from harpe, clamp, claw, from Latin harpa, sickle, from Greek harpē.]
    harpooner har·poon'er n.

    Inuit hunter with harpoon in kayak, Hudson Bay, circa 1908-1914
    A harpoon is a long spear-like instrument used in fishing to catch fish or large marine mammals such as whales. It accomplishes this task by impaling the target animal, allowing the fishermen to use a rope or chain attached to the butt of the projectile to catch the animal. A harpoon can also be used as a weapon.


    "Manner in which Natives of the East Coast strike turtle." Near Cooktown, Australia. From Phillip Parker King's Survey. 1818.


    also kai·ak ('ăk') pronunciation
    1. An Inuit or Eskimo boat consisting of a light wooden frame covered with watertight skins except for a single or double opening in the center, and propelled by a double-bladed paddle.
    2. A lightweight canoe that is similar in design.

    v., -aked, also -aked, -ak·ing, -ak·ing, -aks, -aks. v.intr.
    To go, travel, or race in a kayak.

    To go or travel on (a body of water) by kayak: kayaked rapids of the Colorado River.

    [Canadian Eskimo and Inuit qajaq.]
    kayaker kay'ak'er n.

    kayak, kai-[kay・ak, kai-]

    • 発音記号[káiæk]
    1 イヌイットの狩猟用の小舟. ⇒UMIAK
    2 1に似た小舟(スポーツ用).

    2012年6月20日 星期三

    fed up, sent letters by, courier, listless, lethargic

    Pledge for Euro Unity May Not Be Enough to Satisfy Markets

    Leaders of France and Germany urged economic harmony for euro nations, but it was unclear if their plans would be enough to settle markets anxious over Europe’s debts and listless economies.

    Apple, Google Pressed on Tracking
    Apple, Google and several other developers of mobile operating systems were sent letters by a House committee that oversees privacy issues, seeking more information about whether they are tracking users' locations.

    fed up

    Unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer: She was fed up with their complaints. I resigned because I was fed up.

    Fed up


    To have had more than enough of something or someone, or to be bored with or tired of the same.


    'Fed up' conveys a feeling of being listless and somewhat annoyed, rather like the later English RAF/Army slang expressions 'browned off', 'brassed off' and 'cheesed off'. It has a different origin from those obscure military expressions, as it has a literal meaning, which is 'satiated with food'.
    Sadly, we often forget the wisdom of the old English proverb 'enough is as good as a feast' and, having already eaten our fill, eat just that little bit more. The unpleasant feeling that comes from eating more than is good for us is what is meant by 'fed up'.
    The expression dates from the early 19th century, when the languid aristocracy were compared to farm animals that were force fed to make them plump for market. This piece, from the English newspaper The Middlesex Courier, February 1832, recounts a court case in which it was argued that the Duke of Bourbon couldn't have hanged himself, being unable either to stand on a chair or tie a knot. The lawyer referred to 'the awkwardness of Princes', saying:
    Every thing being done for them, they never learn to do anything; they are fed up, as it were, in a stall to exist and not to act. It is rare to find a Prince who can walk decently across a room.
    Later in the century, other groups who were considered to be idlers were also described as 'fed up'. An example of that is given in this piece from The Anglo-Brazilian Times, 1873:
    For eight months the Brazilian Government has been supporting immigrants from England, when, instead of being fed up in idleness, they really ought to have been prosecuted for representing themselves as agricultural labourers in place of the vagabonds they proved themselves to be.
    The phrase began creeping into general parlance in the late 19th century and was sometimes emphasized graphically in the extended forms 'fed up to the eyeballs', 'fed up to the back teeth' etc. An early figurative use of the phrase, where no reference is made to overfeeding, appeared in The Westmoreland Gazette, November 1900:
    It may be quite true that, to use an expression often heard in South Africa just now, the men are 'fed up' with the war.
    Fed up - Monsiuer CresoteIn our own time, the best example of being 'fed up' is in the black comedy Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, 1983, in which the bad-tempered and satiated Monsieur Creosote, played by Terry Jones, is induced to eat just 'one more wafer-thin mint', before exploding.

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    (lĭst'lĭs) pronunciation
    Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic: reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation.

    [Middle English listles : probably from liste, desire (from listen, to desire; see list5) + -les, -lesse, -less.]
    listlessly list'less·ly adv.
    listlessness list'less·ness n.


    • [kə'ːriər | kúr-]
    1 (手紙・小包などの)運搬[配達]人;急送[宅配]便業者
    a motorcycle courier
    a private courier firm
    2 ((主に英))旅行世話人;(旅行社の)ガイド, 添乗員.
    (1) (外交文書・重要書類などを携行する)急使.
    (2) 急使が利用する輸送機関(飛行機・船など).
    4 ((C-))((新聞・雑誌等の名称に用いて))…クーリア, …新報
    the Liverpool Courier


    • レベル:社会人必須
    • 発音記号[ləθɑ'ːrdʒik | le-]
    1 無気力の, けだるい.
    2 昏睡(こんすい)(状態)の, 病的に眠い.

    2012年6月18日 星期一

    with, A, B, and C, with D, escape the consequences

    A, B, and C, with D
    我看過將它AND...WITH 只翻譯為 "和"

     Asia's European Weakness
    A Greek vote seen as a referendum on austerity, and rising Spanish borrowing costs, mean a possible breakup of the euro zone. Economies in Asia-Pacific would not escape the consequences.

    with Pronunciation (w, wth)
    1. In the company of; accompanying: Did you go with her?
    2. Next to; alongside of: stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.
    a. Having as a possession, attribute, or characteristic: arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache.
    b. Used as a function word to indicate accompanying detail or condition: just sat there with his mouth open.
    a. In a manner characterized by: performed with skill; spoke with enthusiasm.
    b. In the performance, use, or operation of: had trouble with the car.
    5. In the charge or keeping of: left the cat with the neighbors.
    6. In the opinion or estimation of: if it's all right with you.
    a. In support of; on the side of: I'm with anyone who wants to help the homeless.
    b. Of the same opinion or belief as: He is with us on that issue.
    8. In the same group or mixture as; among: planted onions with the carrots.
    9. In the membership or employment of: plays with a jazz band; is with a publishing company.
    a. By the means or agency of: eat with a fork; made us laugh with his jokes.
    b. By the presence or use of: a pillow stuffed with feathers; balloons filled with helium.
    11. In spite of: With all her experience, she could not get a job.
    12. In the same direction as: sail with the wind; flow with the river.
    13. At the same time as: gets up with the birds.
    a. In regard to: We are pleased with her decision. They are disgusted with the status quo.
    b. Used as a function word to indicate a party to an action, communicative activity, or informal agreement or settlement: played with the dog; had a talk with the class; lives with an aunt.
    15. In comparison or contrast to: a car identical with the one her sister just bought.
    16. Having received: With her permission, he left. I escaped with just a few bruises.
    a. And; plus: My books, with my brother's, make a sizable library. We had turkey with all the trimmings.
    b. Inclusive of; including: comes to $29.95 with postage and handling.
    18. In opposition to; against: wrestling with an opponent.
    19. As a result or consequence of: trembling with fear; sick with the flu.
    20. So as to be touching or joined to: coupled the first car with the second; linked arms with their partners.
    21. So as to be free of or separated from: parted with her husband.
    22. In the course of: We grow older with the hours.
    23. In proportion to: wines that improve with age.
    24. In relationship to: at ease with my peers.
    25. As well as; in favorable comparison to: She could sing with the best of them.
    26. According to the experience or practice of: With me, it is a question of priorities.
    27. Used as a function word to indicate close association: With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.
    in with Informal
    In league or association with: He is in with the wrong crowd.
    with it Informal
    1. Interested in and sensitive to the latest styles and trends; up-to-date.
    2. Streetwise and knowing; savvy.
    3. Mentally competent.

    [Middle English, with, against, from, from Old English; see wi- in Indo-European roots.]
    Usage Note: When the subject of a sentence is followed by a noun or noun phrase introduced by with rather than and, the verb remains singular: The governor, with his aides, is expected to attend the fair. See Usage Note at and.


    • レベル:最重要
    • 発音記号[wəð, wəθ;((強))wíð, wíθ]
    1 ((同伴・同居))…と(いっしょに), …とともに;〈人〉と同じ所に;((beのあとで))…の一員で, …に雇われて
    have dinner with a friend
    She is living with her mother.
    How long have you been with the company?
    ▼A woman with her two children was killed in the accident. 「1人の女性が連れていた2人の子供といっしょにその事故でなくなった」では主語は単数扱いだが, 意味上withがandと同じに考えられ, 誤って複数扱いされることがある.
    2 …がついて, …を含めて
    The room comes with a Continental breakfast.
    3 ((一致))
    (1) ((一致))…と[に]
    swim with the current
    She agreed with me.
    Are you with me or against me?
    (2) ((比例))…に従って, 比例して
    Their power increased with their numbers.
    (3) ((同時))…と同時に, …するとすぐ
    rise with the lark [the sun]
    4 ((所有・携帯))…を持っている, …がある, …のついた
    a coat with two pockets
    I always have a camera with me.
    (1) ((付帯状況))…した状態で. ▼ふつうwith+[名]+補語の形で
    with tears in one's eyes
    with one shoe off and with one shoe on
    walk with a pipe in one's mouth
    パイプをくわえて散歩する(▼withとaを省略してwalk pipe in mouthともいう)
    With night coming on, we started home.
    (2) ((条件))…があれば, もし…ならば
    With your leave, I'll shut this window.
    (3) ((譲歩))((しばしばwith all ...で))…(を所有している)にもかかわらず, …があるけれども(in spite of)
    With all her surprise, she asked for no details of the accident.
    あんなに驚いたのに, 事故の詳細をいっさい尋ねようとしなかった.
    (4) ((原因・理由))…が原因で, …のため(に)
    die with pneumonia
    tremble with fear
    6 ((様態))((ふつう抽象名詞を伴い, 副詞句として))…で, …を示して, …をもって
    with difficulty
    with care
    with ease
    study with enthusiasm
    7 ((対象))
    (1) ((動作の対象))…と;…に関して
    correspond with a friend
    help a person with his scheme
    connect a gas-stove with a gas-pipe
    This color blends well with that one.
    How does this plan compare with ours?
    (2) ((関心の対象))…に関して
    be pleased with the gift
    He is in love with her.
    What is the matter with you?
    (3) ((命令表現))
    Up with the flag!
    Down with the dictator!
    独裁者を倒せ(▼up, down, off, away, outなどの副詞のあとに用いる).
    8 ((委託))…に任せて, …のもとにあずけて
    leave ... with a friend
    He entrusted me with his car.
    9 ((道具・手段・材料))…で, …を使って. ⇒BY[前]1[語法], 15
    stir with a spoon
    meet violence with violence
    The hill is covered with snow.
    ▼((米略式))では次のような場合しばしばwithが省略される:a toy to play (with)遊ぶおもちゃ.
    10 ((立場・場合))…の場合, …にとっては
    Religion is essential with us.
    It is day with us while it is night with the Chinese.
    11 ((分離))…から離れて, …と絶縁して
    part with a thing
    break with a friend
    12 ((反対・敵対))…と, …に反対して(against)
    argue with a person
    be with a person
    (1) 〈人の〉言っていることがわかる.
    (2) ⇒3 (1)
    be with it
    (1) 最新流行に通じている, 進んでいる.
    (2) 頭の調子がよい.
    (3) 霊感を受ける, 感動する.
    get with it
    (1) (流行などに)遅れない;現代風になる.
    (2) (仕事などに)身を入れてやる, 本気で取り組む
    The students get with it just before the examinations.
    with that [this]
    そう[こう]言って, そう[こう]して.
    [古英語wither(に対して)の短縮形. △WITHSTAND


    • レベル:最重要
    • 発音記号[iskéip, es-]
    1 〈人が〉(…へ)(拘束から)逃げる, 逃亡[脱走]する((to ...));(…から)自由になる((from, out of ...))(▼「授業をエスケープする」はcut a class);(追跡・災難・罰などから)のがれる, 免れる, 助かる((from ...))
    escape from prison
    脱獄する(▼escape prisonは「刑務所入りを免れる」)
    escape from old-fashioned traditions
    escape from pursuers [pursuit
    barely escape with one's life
    2 〈ガス・水などが〉(…から)漏れる, 流出する((from, out of ...))
    Gas is escaping from the pipe.
    3 〈物・事が〉(記憶・思い出から)消える, 薄れる((from ...)).
    4 〈言葉・笑いなどが〉〈人(の口)から〉思わず出る, 漏れる. ▼他動詞用法がふつう.
    5 〈栽培植物が〉野生化する.
    1III[名]]〈追跡を〉(先手を打って)まく, はぐらかす;〈災難・罰などを〉免れる;[III being]〈…されるところを〉あやうく免れる. ▼受身不可
    escape being punished
    escape the fire in the department store
    2 ((ふつう否定文))〈考えなどを〉退ける
    There is no escaping [=You can't escape] the fact that ....
    I cannot escape the feeling ...
    3 〈物が〉〈人の〉目にとまらない;〈人に〉注目されない, 気づかれない;〈記憶から〉抜け落ちる;〈注意から〉のがれる. ▼受身不可
    Nothing escaped himhis eyes].
    Her new dress escaped memy notice].
    His telephone number escapes me.
    4 〈言葉・笑いなどが〉〈人(の口)から〉思わず出る, 漏れる
    A cry of surprise escaped her lips.
    1 [C][U](危険などからの)逃亡, 脱出, 避難((from, out of ...))
    make a furtive escape
    have a narrow [a hair's-breadth] escape
    間一髪でのがれる, 九死に一生を得る
    He had a lucky escape from the fire.
    2 (災害などからの)逃亡手段, 逃げ口;避難装置[口];排気管, 排水路
    a fire escape
    one's escape line
    3 [U]((時にan 〜))現実逃避[回避]
    literature of escape
    go to the movies as an escape
    4 (水・ガス・ため息などの)漏れ((of ...));(…からの)漏れ((from, out of ...)).
    5 《植物》野生化[逸出]植物.
    6 《コンピュータ》エスケープ(キー).
    1 現実逃避の, 逃避の.
    2 免責の.
    [古北フランス語escaper (es-外へ+cappa外套(がいとう)=外套から抜け出る)]