A, B, and C, with D
我看過將它AND...WITH 只翻譯為 "和"
Asia's European Weakness
Greek vote seen as a referendum on austerity, and rising Spanish
borrowing costs, mean a possible breakup of the euro zone. Economies in
Asia-Pacific would not escape the consequences.
with (w, wth)
1. In the company of; accompanying: Did you go with her?
2. Next to; alongside of: stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.
a. Having as a possession, attribute, or characteristic: arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache.
b. Used as a function word to indicate accompanying detail or condition: just sat there with his mouth open.
a. In a manner characterized by: performed with skill; spoke with enthusiasm.
b. In the performance, use, or operation of: had trouble with the car.
5. In the charge or keeping of: left the cat with the neighbors.
6. In the opinion or estimation of: if it's all right with you.
a. In support of; on the side of: I'm with anyone who wants to help the homeless.
b. Of the same opinion or belief as: He is with us on that issue.
8. In the same group or mixture as; among: planted onions with the carrots.
9. In the membership or employment of: plays with a jazz band; is with a publishing company.
a. By the means or agency of: eat with a fork; made us laugh with his jokes.
b. By the presence or use of: a pillow stuffed with feathers; balloons filled with helium.
11. In spite of: With all her experience, she could not get a job.
12. In the same direction as: sail with the wind; flow with the river.
13. At the same time as: gets up with the birds.
a. In regard to: We are pleased with her decision. They are disgusted with the status quo.
b. Used as a function word to indicate a party to an action, communicative activity, or informal agreement or settlement: played with the dog; had a talk with the class; lives with an aunt.
15. In comparison or contrast to: a car identical with the one her sister just bought.
16. Having received: With her permission, he left. I escaped with just a few bruises.
a. And; plus: My books, with my brother's, make a sizable library. We had turkey with all the trimmings.
b. Inclusive of; including: comes to $29.95 with postage and handling.
18. In opposition to; against: wrestling with an opponent.
19. As a result or consequence of: trembling with fear; sick with the flu.
20. So as to be touching or joined to: coupled the first car with the second; linked arms with their partners.
21. So as to be free of or separated from: parted with her husband.
22. In the course of: We grow older with the hours.
23. In proportion to: wines that improve with age.
24. In relationship to: at ease with my peers.
25. As well as; in favorable comparison to: She could sing with the best of them.
26. According to the experience or practice of: With me, it is a question of priorities.
27. Used as a function word to indicate close association: With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.
in with Informal
In league or association with: He is in with the wrong crowd.
with it Informal
1. Interested in and sensitive to the latest styles and trends; up-to-date.
2. Streetwise and knowing; savvy.
3. Mentally competent.
[Middle English, with, against, from, from Old English; see wi- in Indo-European roots.]
Usage Note: When the subject of a sentence is followed by a noun or noun phrase introduced by
with rather than
and, the verb remains singular:
The governor, with his aides, is expected to attend the fair. See Usage Note at
- レベル:最重要
- 発音記号[wəð, wəθ;((強))wíð, wíθ]
1 ((同伴・同居))…と(いっしょに), …とともに;〈人〉と同じ所に;((beのあとで))…の一員で, …に雇われて
have dinner with a friend
She is living with her mother.
How long have you been with the company?
▼A woman with her two children was killed in the accident. 「1人の女性が連れていた2人の子供といっしょにその事故でなくなった」では主語は単数扱いだが, 意味上withがandと同じに考えられ, 誤って複数扱いされることがある.
2 …がついて, …を含めて
The room comes with a Continental breakfast.
3 ((一致))
(1) ((一致))…と[に]
swim with the current
She agreed with me.
Are you with me or against me?
(2) ((比例))…に従って, 比例して
Their power increased with their numbers.
(3) ((同時))…と同時に, …するとすぐ
rise with the lark [the sun]
4 ((所有・携帯))…を持っている, …がある, …のついた
a coat with two pockets
I always have a camera with me.
(1) ((付帯状況))…した状態で. ▼ふつうwith+[名]+補語の形で
with tears in one's eyes
with one shoe off and with one shoe on
walk with a pipe in one's mouth
パイプをくわえて散歩する(▼withとaを省略してwalk pipe in mouthともいう)
With night coming on, we started home.
(2) ((条件))…があれば, もし…ならば
With your leave, I'll shut this window.
(3) ((譲歩))((しばしばwith all ...で))…(を所有している)にもかかわらず, …があるけれども(in spite of)
With all her surprise, she asked for no details of the accident.
あんなに驚いたのに, 事故の詳細をいっさい尋ねようとしなかった.
(4) ((原因・理由))…が原因で, …のため(に)
die with pneumonia
tremble with fear
6 ((様態))((ふつう抽象名詞を伴い, 副詞句として))…で, …を示して, …をもって
with difficulty
with care
with ease
study with enthusiasm
7 ((対象))
(1) ((動作の対象))…と;…に関して
correspond with a friend
help a person with his scheme
connect a gas-stove with a gas-pipe
This color blends well with that one.
How does this plan compare with ours?
(2) ((関心の対象))…に関して
be pleased with the gift
He is in love with her.
What is the matter with you?
(3) ((命令表現))
Up with the flag!
Down with the dictator!
独裁者を倒せ(▼up, down, off, away, outなどの副詞のあとに用いる).
8 ((委託))…に任せて, …のもとにあずけて
leave ... with a friend
He entrusted me with his car.
9 ((道具・手段・材料))…で, …を使って. ⇒BY[前]1[語法], 15
stir with a spoon
meet violence with violence
The hill is covered with snow.
▼((米略式))では次のような場合しばしばwithが省略される:a toy to play (with)遊ぶおもちゃ.
10 ((立場・場合))…の場合, …にとっては
Religion is essential with us.
It is day with us while it is night with the Chinese.
11 ((分離))…から離れて, …と絶縁して
part with a thing
break with a friend
12 ((反対・敵対))…と, …に反対して(against)
argue with a person
be with a person
(1) 〈人の〉言っていることがわかる.
(2) ⇒3 (1)
be with it
(1) 最新流行に通じている, 進んでいる.
(2) 頭の調子がよい.
(3) 霊感を受ける, 感動する.
get with it
(1) (流行などに)遅れない;現代風になる.
(2) (仕事などに)身を入れてやる, 本気で取り組む
The students get with it just before the examinations.
with that [this]
そう[こう]言って, そう[こう]して.
[古英語wither(に対して)の短縮形. △WITHSTAND]
- レベル:最重要
- 発音記号[iskéip, es-]
1 〈人が〉(…へ)(拘束から)逃げる, 逃亡[脱走]する((to
...));(…から)自由になる((from, out of ...))(▼「授業をエスケープする」はcut a
class);(追跡・災難・罰などから)のがれる, 免れる, 助かる((from ...))
2 〈ガス・水などが〉(…から)漏れる, 流出する((from, out of ...))
3 〈物・事が〉(記憶・思い出から)消える, 薄れる((from ...)).
4 〈言葉・笑いなどが〉〈人(の口)から〉思わず出る, 漏れる. ▼他動詞用法がふつう.
5 〈栽培植物が〉野生化する.
1 [III[名]]〈追跡を〉(先手を打って)まく, はぐらかす;〈災難・罰などを〉免れる;[III being]〈…されるところを〉あやうく免れる. ▼受身不可
escape being punished罰を受けないですむ
3 〈物が〉〈人の〉目にとまらない;〈人に〉注目されない, 気づかれない;〈記憶から〉抜け落ちる;〈注意から〉のがれる. ▼受身不可
4 〈言葉・笑いなどが〉〈人(の口)から〉思わず出る, 漏れる
1 [C][U](危険などからの)逃亡, 脱出, 避難((from, out of ...))
2 (災害などからの)逃亡手段, 逃げ口;避難装置[口];排気管, 排水路
4 (水・ガス・ため息などの)漏れ((of ...));(…からの)漏れ((from, out of ...)).
5 《植物》野生化[逸出]植物.
6 《コンピュータ》エスケープ(キー).
1 現実逃避の, 逃避の.
2 免責の.
[古北フランス語escaper (es-外へ+cappa外套(がいとう)=外套から抜け出る)]