2015年8月29日 星期六

diocese, bishopric, diocesan, re-named, pallium

The schools are the third and fourth educational institutes where lead contamination in water has been discovered.
Excessive lead content has been found in the water supplies of two more schools, one of which is a top school in Hong Kong. They are the third and fourth educational institutes where lead contamination in water has been discovered. Diocesan Boys’ School (DBS), a leading private school and one of the…

 And it's certainly true that when many of England's great industrial cities were given Anglican bishoprics, they often took over a large parish church and re-named it a cathedral, as in the case of Newcastle, Manchester, my home town of Birmingham, and also nearby Coventry.

Protestant bishop steps down over mishandling of sex abuse case

The Protestant Bishop of Hamburg has announced her resignation in light of
criticism over how she handled a sex-abuse case in her diocese. Maria
Jepsen became the world's first female Protestant bishop in 1992.

The DW-WORLD.DE Article

The Diocese of London

And in the aftermath of the Restoration of the Catholic hierarchy and diocesan structure in England and Wales by Pope Pius IX, many new Catholic cathedrals were constructed, culminating in the building of Westminster Cathedral in the Byzantine style, consecrated in 1910.


n., pl., pal·li·ums, or pal·li·a (păl'ē-ə).
  1. A cloak or mantle worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
  2. Ecclesiastical. A vestment worn by the pope and conferred by him on archbishops and sometimes on bishops. Also called pall.
    1. The mantle of gray matter forming the cerebral cortex.
    2. The mantle of a mollusk, brachiopod, or bird.

[名](複 -li・a 〔-〕, 〜s)
1 パリウム:古代ギリシャ・ローマの男子用外衣.
2 《教会》パリウム, 大司教用肩衣(かたぎぬ);祭壇布;聖体布.
3 《解剖学》脳外套(がいとう);《動物》(軟体動物の)外套膜.

  1. 1.
    of or concerning a diocese.
  1. 1.
    the bishop of a diocese.

di·o·cese ('ə-sĭs, -sēs', -sēz') pronunciationn.
The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.

[Middle English diocise, from Old French, from Late Latin diocēsis, from Latin dioecēsis, jurisdiction, from Greek dioikēsis, administration, from dioikein, to keep house, administer : dia-, intensive pref.; see dia- + oikein, to inhabit (from oikos, house).]

di·o·cese ('ə-sĭs, -sēs', -sēz') pronunciationn.
The district or churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric.

[Middle English diocise, from Old French, from Late Latin diocēsis, from Latin dioecēsis, jurisdiction, from Greek dioikēsis, administration, from dioikein, to keep house, administer : dia-, intensive pref.; see dia- + oikein, to inhabit (from oikos, house).]

or di-
  1. Through: diachronic.
  2. Across: diatropism.
[Greek, from dia, through.]

  1. The office or rank of a bishop.
  2. The diocese of a bishop.
[Middle English bishoprik, from Old English bisceoprīce, the diocese of a bishop : bisceop, bishop; see bishop + rīce, realm.]
  1. The office or rank of a bishop.
  2. The diocese of a bishop.
[Middle English bishoprik, from Old English bisceoprīce, the diocese of a bishop : bisceop, bishop; see bishop + rīce, realm.]


  • 発音記号[bíʃəprik]
[名]bishopの管轄権[管轄区, 地位].
