2015年8月29日 星期六

crook, switcheroo and thightastic headlock

勸架使出「奪命剪刀腳」 雪白大腿好銷魂

【動新聞╱綜合報導】巴西1名女子為了勸架竟出動「奪命剪刀腳」!她原本抱住1名男子好聲好氣的勸說,但男子越來越失控,背後抱緊也沒用,女子只能先將他撂倒,在用大腿緊緊夾住,成功阻止了1場衝突。 圖說:女子為勸架,將男子用大腿
Note to self: Do NOT get into a fight with this woman

A Brazilian woman was caught on camera tackling a muscular man to the...

An Apple and Microsoft Switcheroo in the Browser Market
Wall Street Journal - USABoth companies are facing competition from Google in mobile browsing though. Since the first phone to use Google’s Android mobile operating system went on ...

The noun switcheroo has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a sudden unexpected switch
突然回心轉意 作180度轉變

這switchroo 在20世紀中才開始在北美使用

例 (詳細內容參考"管窺Google") Google會轉而要求AT&T公司付費提供顧客Google之服務嗎?
Can Google do a switcheroo?
Commentary: Duo of Google and Sprint could put AT&T in a headlock

(The noun headlock has one meaning: Meaning #1: a wrestling hold in which the opponent's head is locked between the crook of your elbow and the side of your body 摔角賽中將對手的頭夾在你身體和手臂之間)
