The Dutch Central Bank (DNB) has fired a supervisor who was secretly moonlighting as a dominatrix. Not, says the DNB, because she was selling sex for money--that is legal in the Netherlands--but because she did not report it. Also, her sex work made her vulnerable to blackmail. Of course, it used to be common to fire gay people for the same reason.
One online dominatrix, Sadie Lune, pooh-poohs all the knowing talk of the “natural power” of a domme making a “proud man” stoop — you know, the lawyer, doctor or judge who wants to clean toilets on a leash.
Pronunciation: /ˈmasəkɪz(ə)m/
Definition of masochism
[mass noun]Derivatives
late 19th century: named after Leopold von Sacher- Masoch (1835–95), the Austrian novelist who described it, + -ismdominatrix
n., pl. -na·trix·es or -na·tri·ces (-nā'trĭ-sēz', -nə-trī'sēz).
- A woman who acts out the role of the dominating partner in a sadomasochistic relationship.
- A woman regarded as overbearing.
Pronunciation: /ˌdɒmɪˈneɪtrɪks/