For what’s the use o’ being bothered?
I drink a little more when the wind’s off shore,
And most when the wind’s from the north’ard.
---Arthur Macy, The Indifferent Mariner
Some Theory of Sampling, p.6
grog noun [U]
1 OLD-FASHIONED strong alcohol, such as rum, that has been mixed with water
━━ n. 水で割った火酒 ((特にラム酒)); 強い酒.
grog・gy ━━ a. よろよろ[ふらふら]する, グロッキーになった; (家具などが)不安定な.
grog・shop 〔英〕 低級な酒場; 〔豪話・ニュージーランド話〕 酒店.