2008年11月18日 星期二

arrondissement, discombobulation

Mama Shelter Hotel, Paris
Philippe Starck's new hotel in the 20th arrondissement in Paris. Photograph: Alamy

The best of these canvases convert Courbet’s inborn dissonance into a commanding discombobulation.

Meaning #1: a feeling of embarrassment that leaves you confused
Synonym: confusion


(ä-rôN'dēs-mäN') pronunciation

  1. The chief administrative subdivision of a department in France.
  2. A municipal subdivision in some large French cities.
[French, from Old French, rounded projection on a wall, from arrondir, arrondiss-, to round out : a, to (from Latin ad-; see ad–) + rondir, to make round (from rond, round; see round1).]
