2008年10月13日 星期一

go after, Veep,, a Pentecostal Problem

Does Sarah Palin Have a Pentecostal Problem?

By Amy Sullivan
One reason the Republicans aren't going after Obama's relationship with the Rev. Wright: their Veep candidate has her own church issues

Pentecost:五旬節;聖神降臨日;聖神降臨瞻禮:紀念耶穌復活後第五十日派遣聖神降臨(宗二2-4);是教會的大慶節,因為是日教會正式向全人類傳佈福音的任務。稱五旬節(主日),源自希臘文 pentesoste五十日節,原指猶太人逾越節五十天後所舉行的感恩慶典-五旬節,亦即收成(豐年)節。早期基督宗教(借)用五旬節慶祝復活節後第五十天的聖神降臨。

Pentecost, Octave of:五旬節八日慶期;聖神降臨節八日慶期。今已取消

Pentecost, Vigil of:五旬節前夕:聖神降臨前一日。

Pentecost season:五旬節後的時期:昔日從五旬節(聖神降臨)至(聖誕節前的)將臨期,約有24至28主日,為教會禮儀年最長之時期。今已取消,納入常年期。

Pentecostal Church:五旬節教會;神召會:基督教衛理會 Methodism 支派之總稱;後分為神召會 Pentecostal Assemblies、神的教會 Church of God、聖潔會 Holiness Church 以及五旬節教會 Pentecostal Church等。強調聖化,包括皈依、成義、聖神之洗禮以及聖神降臨之特恩。

Pentecostal movement:聖神同禱會;神恩復興運動:指廿世紀初由美國發起,信友聚會同禱,懇求聖神惠賜各種神恩、助佑的運動。


WordNet: go after
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.

The verb has 2 meanings:

Meaning #1: go after with the intent to catch
Synonyms: chase, chase after, trail, tail, tag, dog, track

Meaning #2: go in search of or hunt for
Synonyms: quest for, quest after, pursue
