2024年10月16日 星期三

whinge, equally forthcoming,vulnerabilities,Elon Musk’s promises at Tesla’s robotaxi launch were long on bombast and short on reality. The road will be lengthy, and the carmaker will have tough competition along the way

"David Cameron has put Chris Grayling, a bombastic and ignorant man, even by the standards of the modern Conservative party, in charge of justice. Humane treatment for prisoners no more concerns him than the human rights of the rest of the population. If this sounds like the whingeing of a bleeding-heart liberal, consider that there will be people you meet, who will be robbed, beaten, raped and murdered as a result of Cameron’s neglect of public safety. Some will even vote for him because they think Conservatives are tough on crime."

In America, by contrast, conservatives whinge that abortion is legal because a majority of judges, after peering into the constitution's "penumbra", discovered a right to abortion that had lain hidden for centuries. As the young Mr Rehnquist put it: "To reach its result, the court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment."

Documents on Pain Drug Show Doubt and Deception
Documents unsealed in a fraud case against Pfizer suggest research officials were less than forthcoming about the safety of Celebrex during an early trial study. 

That has deepened anxieties in Japan and around the world and led the United States government to take the extraordinary step of announcing that the damage to at least one of the crippled reactors may be far worse than Tokyo had admitted — and urging Americans there to move further away from the official safety perimeter.
Still, enough is known to begin raising questions about our own nuclear operations. We hope regulators and industry leaders are equally forthcoming about this country’s vulnerabilities and challenges.


1 ((限定))来つつある;まさに来よう[現れよう]としている;来たるべき, 今度の
forthcoming books
the forthcoming Presidential election
2 ((しばしば否定文))((叙述))〈お金・援助などが〉(必要などに備えて)用意された, すぐに間に合う
The money was not forthcoming.
3 ((しばしば否定文))((通例叙述))((略式))〈人が〉(…について)積極的に発言する, 進んで気持ちを語る((about ...))
She's not forthcoming about her love.
━━[名][U]出現, 接近.

  1. About to appear or take place; approaching: the forthcoming elections.
    1. Available when required or as promised: Federal funds were not forthcoming.
    2. Affable and outgoing: a considerate, forthcoming person.
    3. Candid and willing to cooperate.
n. (fôrth'kŭm'ĭng, fōrth'-)
The act or an instance of coming forth.

whingeLine breaks: whinge
Pronunciation: /wɪn(d)ʒ 
British informal

Definition of whinge in English:

VERB (whingeswhingeing or whingingwhinged)

Complain persistently and in a peevish or irritatingway:stop whingeing and get on with it!(as adjective whingeinga whingeing killjoy


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An act of complaining persistently and peevishly:she let off steam by having a good whinge


late Old English hwinsian, of Germanic origin; related toGerman winseln; compare with whine.