DW Stories
A fortress-cum-museum in Berlin has become a purgatory for some of the city’s statues. There they are neither revered nor destroyed, but visitors are invited to look at and touch them, and wrestle with what they stand for.
After losing parliament, Berlusconi waits in political purgatory
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's parliamentary coalition fell
apart this summer. Now plagued with dropping approval ratings, the
billionaire businessman-turned-politician is on the political war path.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
Taiwan prosecutors raid ex-leader's office
TAIPEI — Taiwan prosecutors on Wednesday seized boxloads of allegedly confidential presidential documents from the office of the island's convicted former leader Chen Shui-bian.The 58 boxes of papers are believed to have been removed from the presidency's official premises when Chen, of the Democratic Progressive Party, stepped down in 2008, prosecutors said.
"We decided to search the office because of a pressing need to preserve evidence," Chen Hung-ta, spokesman for the prosecutors, told AFP.
The move in central Taipei came after Chen's aides refused to hand over the files, insisting that only the former president had the right to decide what should be done with them.
Chen's office reacted strongly to the raid, saying it was politically motivated ahead of November mayoral elections and accusing prosecutors of acting as "political executioners" for President Ma Ying-jeou.
Local media said that if found guilty of taking official documents without permission, Chen may face a jail term of up to seven years.
The former leader has already been in prison for more than 500 days, having been convicted of corruption.
In a high-profile case Chen and his wife were convicted last year of embezzling state funds, laundering money, accepting bribes and forgery. They were sentenced to life imprisonment.
Taiwan's High Court in June reduced the couple's sentences to 20 years after concluding that less money was embezzled than previously assumed.
Chen has blasted his trial as a vendetta carried out by Taiwan's current Beijing-friendly government in retaliation for his pro-independence stance during his 2000-2008 term.
Taiwan's Jailed Ex-Leader Faces Fresh Charges
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Taiwan's incarcerated ex-president Chen Shui-bian might not able to go home as early as he expected. In a move Mr. Chen's allies described as the continuation of a political vendetta, prosecutors on Tuesday slapped the former Democratic Progressive ...
Inside Europe | 05.01.2008 | 07:05
Dante's Divine Comedy Comes to Life on Stage
In Rome, a Vatican priest, who’s also a musician, has attempted what no other composer has before: to put into music one of the greatest works of literature in the Western world: Dante’s ”La Divina Comedia” or The Divine Comedy.
The 14th-century poem chronicles one man’s search for love – passing through hell, purgatory and finally heaven, to find it. The Divina Comedia opera extravaganza is currently playing in Rome and is due to tour across Europe this year. Our correspondent in Rome, Megan Williams went back stage and has this report.extravaganza
noun [C]
a large, exciting and expensive event or entertainment:
a musical/dance extravaganza
a 3-hour extravaganza of country music
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
━━ n. 突飛[風変り]な作品, 奇作, 異色編; 絢爛(けんらん)豪華な催し; 狂気じみた言葉[態度].
noun [U]
the place to which Roman Catholics believe that the spirits of dead people go and suffer for the evil acts that they did while they were alive, before they are able to go to heaven
purgatory:煉獄;煉所:是那些死在天主恩寵中卻仍有些瑕疵的人,補贖罪罰、煉淨罪污的暫時受罰之過程(所),是一種進入天堂過程中被煉淨的體驗。為亡者獻贖罪祭,是為叫他們免除或減輕煉獄的罪罰(加下十二45)。或譯為" 薄靈獄"。
all her sins were forgiven and she would not need to go to Purgatorythe punishment of souls in purgatory
Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French purgatorie or medieval Latin purgatorium, neuter (used as a noun) of late Latin purgatorius 'purifying', from the verb purgare (see purge).
purgatory noun [U] HUMOROUS
an extremely unpleasant experience which causes suffering:
I've been on a diet for two weeks now, and it's purgatory!
- 発音記号[inkɑ'ːrsərèit][動](他)
1 ((通例受身))((形式))…を投獄する;…を幽閉[監禁]する, 閉じ込める.
2 …を取り囲む;…を締めつける.
- 発音記号[vendétə][名]
1 血の復讐(ふくしゅう), かたき討ち. ▼特にかつてCorsica島やイタリアの諸地方で行われたもの.
2 長年にわたる激しい確執[張合い, 争い].
[イタリア語←ラテン語vindicta. △VINDICATE]