2019年6月11日 星期二

arugula, apothecary, dispensing“prescription produce”serving

The farm stand is becoming the new apothecary, dispensing apples — not to mention artichokes, asparagus and arugula — to fill a novel kind of prescription.

這個農場的攤位正在成為新的藥劑處,配蘋果 - 更不用提朝鮮薊,蘆筍和芝麻菜 - 開一新種處方。
Doctors at three health centers in Massachusetts have begun advising patients to eat “prescription produce處方農產品” from local farmers’ markets, in an effort to fight obesity in children of low-income families. Now they will give coupons amounting to $1 a day for each member of a patient’s family to promote healthy meals.

“The goal is to get them to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables by one serving a day.”


Apothecary in Vitebsk, 1914

Line breaks: aru|gula
Pronunciation: /əˈruːɡjʊlə /

(also rucolarugola)

Definition of arugula in English:


[MASS NOUN] North American


1970s: from Italian dialect, ultimately a diminutive ofLatin eruca 'down-stemmed plant'.

a·poth·e·car·y (ə-pŏth'ĭ-kĕr'ē) pronunciation

n., pl., -ies.
  1. One that prepares and sells drugs and other medicines; a pharmacist.
  2. See pharmacy (sense 2).
[Middle English apotecarie, from Old French apotecaire and from Medieval Latin apothēcārius, both from Late Latin, clerk, from Latin apothēca, storehouse, from Greek apothēkē : apo-, away; see apo- + thēkē, receptacle.]
