2019年11月29日 星期五

usury, exorbitant, pre-empt, homeowner, mouth guard

Thomas Piketty claimed that inequality is driven by elites accumulating capital. But research increasingly suggests homeowners are the ones receiving exorbitant returns, not tycoons

As Author, Obama Earns Big Money and a New Deal
As the president scolded executives for exorbitant compensation, a disclosure form showed that he signed a new $500,000 book deal.

The Wall Street Journal leads its world-wide newsbox, and the LAT off-leads, with the Supreme Court declaring that drug makers can still be sued in state court by injured patients even if federal regulators approved the product. The 6-3 ruling could affect many other industries besides prescription drugs and marked a major blow to businesses that have long argued federal rules should protect them from lawsuits at the state level. In 2006, the Bush administration, which often sided with businesses on this issue, reversed a Food and Drug Administration policy and declared that federal approval of a drug "preempts" lawsuits at the state level.

Mr. Schnabel is now suing Art Capital, claiming that he paid back his loan in a timely fashion but that Art Capital tried to add exorbitant fees. Art Capital counterclaims that it is entitled to millions of dollars in additional interest and fees because Mr. Schnabel did not reveal there was an existing mortgage on the property.

現在一般翻譯 Usury 為 "高利贷" 如 新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典专题 其實 原先Usury 非高利貸 只是放利之財務番方式
The Social Background of Luther's "Trade and Usury" ... ルター「商業・利子論」の社会的背景.
這在莎士比亞劇中都如此 譬如說 威尼斯商人或
Did you but know the city's usuries And felt them knowingly; the art o' the court As hard to leave as keep; whose top to climb ...
Cymbeline: ACT III , SCENE III. Wales: a mountainous country with ..

'Baby Necessities' pacifiers recalled
Examiner.com - USAThis time there is a voluntary recall of there "Baby Necessities" 4-pack of pacifiers, they have a blue heart-shaped mouth guard . ...

mouth guard
A resilient intraoral device worn during participation in contact sports to reduce the potential for injury to the teeth and associated tissue.


('zhə-rē) pronunciation
.n., pl. -ries.
  1. The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate.
  2. An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money.
  3. Archaic. Interest charged or paid on a loan.
[Middle English, from Medieval Latin ūsūria, alteration of Latin ūsūra, from ūsus, use. See usual.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.


--> ━━ n. 高利(の貸付); 高利貸業.

由於 usury 容易演變成高利黛 所以17世紀起就有法律規定利息上限
它 usury 就成為 違法的

The act of lending money at an interest rate higher than that permitted by law.
Charging a rate of interest greater than that permitted by state law. In most states, usury limits vary according to the type of lender and type of loan. Federal laws have been passed to preempt certain usury limits under certain conditions. Example: The Interest Rate that must comply with usury limitation is defined differently in the various states. The stated maximum rate may apply to the Face Interest Rate, Effective Rate to the borrower, or the actual Yield to the lender. If a loan is found to be usurious, severe penalties may be imposed, including loss of the Principal interest, a multiple of the interest, and/or damages.
© Barron's Educational Series, In

日本 1950s
利息制限法 昭和二十九年五月十五日法律百号施行 昭和二十九年六月十五日 第一条 金銭を目的とする消費貸借上の利息の契約は、その利息が左の利率により計算した金額を ...
www.kinoshita.com/lawarchive/usurylaw.html - 3k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Exorbitant prices and demands, etc. are much too large:
The bill for dinner was exorbitant.
pre-empt verb [T]
1 to do or say something before someone so that you make their words or actions unnecessary or ineffective:
The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.

2 US to replace one television programme with another, usually more important one:
All the networks pre-empted their regular schedules to broadcast news of the hijacking.
