Blending themes of pop culture with techniques reminiscent of the old masters, Mark Ryden has created a singular style that blurs the traditional boundaries between high and low art. His work first garnered attention in the 1990s when he ushered in a new genre of painting, "Pop Surrealism," dragging a host of followers in his wake. He has trumped the initial surrealist strategies by choosing subject matter loaded with cultural connotation.
對這場危機的主要敘述將對這些問題的答案產生深刻影響。「敘述」(Narrative)超越了戲劇性故事本身的發展。它對已經發生的事情提供解釋,並為未來的構想提供框架。大約存在12種關於大衰退(Great Recession)的敘述。
A crisis in search of a narrative by
Reviewed by JOE NOCERA A grand narrative of the events leading to the Great Depression, built around the stories of four powerful central bankers.
The Spare Room is a novel by Australian writer Helen Garner, set over the course of three weeks while the narrator, Helen, cares for a friend dying of bowel cancer. The Spare Room was published in 2008.
"resolute opposition"
It is not a surprise that China has expressed its "resolute opposition" - it objects to most of the Dalai Lama's overseas visits. Beijing believes his aim is to garner support for Tibetan independence.
── n. 腸の一部; (pl.) 腸, 內臓; (pl.) 內部, 奧; 〔古〕 (pl.) 情け.
bowel movement [motion] 便通 ((略 BM)).
bowel movement [motion] 便通 ((略 BM)).
verb [T]
to tell a story, often by reading aloud from a text, or to describe events as they happen:
Documentaries are often narrated by well-known actors.
One by one the witnesses narrated the sequence of events which led up to the disaster.
1 [U] the act of telling a story
2 [C or U] a spoken description of events given during a film or television programme:
Dame Judi Dench did the narration for the documentary.
noun [C or U] FORMAL
a story or a description of a series of events:
It's a moving narrative of wartime adventure.
noun [C]
the character who tells you what is happening in a book or film
Wikipedia article "Roman Polanski". 的自述"Roman by Polanski "雙關語:roman 是法語」小說」又是他的名字。
· Polanski, Roman. (1984). "Roman". New York : Morrow. (1985). "Roman". London: Heinemann. London : Pan.
- A narrative poem or a prose tale in medieval French literature.
- A novel.
[French, from Old French romans, romance. See romance.]
- 音節
- gar • ner
- 発音
- gɑ'ːrnər
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- garnerの変化形
- garners (複数形) • garnered (過去形) • garnered (過去分詞) • garnering (現在分詞) • garners (三人称単数現在)
1 (穀物倉・貯蔵所などに)…をたくわえる, 蓄積する;…を集める.
2 …を得る, 手に入れる.
1 穀物倉.
2 たくわえ, 蓄積, 貯蔵.