2015年8月18日 星期二

bastion, moneyed, breastwork, bulwark, show-me-the-money

Quote of the day:
"I regard this contest as one to determine who shall rule this free country—the people through their governmental agents, or a few ruthless and domineering men whose wealth makes them peculiarly formidable because they hide behind the breastworks of corporate organization.”
—Theodore Roosevelt (1907)


"It becomes more and more difficult to avoid the sad conclusion that political corruption in New York is indeed rampant and that a show-me-the-money culture in Albany is alive and well."
PREET BHARARA, the United States attorney in Manhattan, on the arrest of Assemblyman Eric A. Stevenson of the Bronx on bribery charges, two days after State Senator Malcolm A. Smith of Queens was arrested on unrelated charges of bribery and corruption.

Surge Targets Taliban Bastion
Military commanders say they will devote most of the 20,000 to 40,000 fresh troops expected from the U.S. to secure Afghanistan's south.

Slump Hits Home for Venture Capitalists
Sand Hill Road is the moneyed center of Silicon Valley, where venture-capital firms reside. But this bastion of high-end commercial real estate is cracking.

01.03. - Innovative ways to beat Germany’s smoking ban

Until recently, Germany was one of western Europe's last bastions for

The DW-WORLD Article

A temporary, quickly constructed fortification, usually breast-high. See synonyms at bulwark.

noun [C]
1 something which maintains or defends especially a belief or a way of life that is disappearing or threatened:
British public schools are regarded as one of the last bastions of upper-class privilege.

2 a part of the wall of a castle that sticks out from it in order to protect it

━━ n. (城の)稜堡(りょうほ); 拠点.

  1. A projecting part of a fortification.
  2. A well-fortified position.
  3. One that is considered similar to a defensive stronghold: You are a bastion of strength. See synonyms at bulwark.
[French, from Old French bastillon, from bastille, fortress. See bastille.]

A bastion is a structure projecting outward from the main enclosure of a fortification, situated in both corners of a straight wall (termed curtain), with the shape of a sharp point, facilitating active defense against assaulting troops. It allows the defenders of the fort to cover adjacent bastions and curtains with defensive fire.

The point of a bastion on a reconstructed French fort in Illinois.
The point of a bastion on a reconstructed French fort in Illinois.
Bastion - Castle Siklós in Hungary
Bastion - Castle Siklós in Hungary

moneyed Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
a moneyed family

Idiom Definitions for 'Show me the money'

When people say this, they either want to know how much they will be paid for something or want to see evidence that something is valuable or worth paying for.
