Definition of sidebar
- 1a : a short news story or graphic accompanying and presenting sidelights of a major storyb : something incidental : sidelight a sidebar to the essay's central theme
- 2: a conference between the judge, the lawyers, and sometimes the parties to a case that the jury does not hear
one good turn deserves another
A favor should be returned in kind, as in I'll give you a ride next time--one good turn deserves another. This maxim was first recorded about 1400, and the converse, One bad turn deserves another, about 1500.
One good turn deserves another.
something that you say which means if someone does something to help you, you should do something to help them.
He fixed my bike so I let him use my computer. One good turn deserves another.
下文標題One Good Recall Deserves Another: Bagged Lettuce--說明包裝的萵苣因 E coli (大腸桿菌)在2006年和2007年都有大量產品召回案件 可以說有一就有二.....
He fixed my bike so I let him use my computer. One good turn deserves another.
下文標題One Good Recall Deserves Another: Bagged Lettuce--說明包裝的萵苣因 E coli (大腸桿菌)在2006年和2007年都有大量產品召回案件 可以說有一就有二.....

Green Guide 121 | July/August 2007 |
One Good Recall Deserves Another: Bagged Lettuce
by P.W. McRandle
Filed under: Factory farming, Green living, E coli
Earlier this week, Dole Fresh Vegetables announced the recall of its "Dole Hearts Delight"–labeled salad due to E. coli contamination. The recall affects products sold in nine states: Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Tennessee. You can stay safe by avoiding products with use-by dates of September 19 and a production code of "A24924A" or "A24924B" on the package. What is perhaps most disturbing is that just last year Dole was caught up in the massive recall of bagged spinach that sickened 206 people and killed three. For more on that, see our previous coverage here.
Unfortunately, as we've seen with recalls of lead-bearing toys, a lack of regulatory oversight and trained inspectors coupled with an overreliance of voluntary measures has resulted in unsafe products reaching store shelves on a wide scale. Now, even corporations that formerly opposed federal regulations are calling for them to shore up consumer confidence in their products, as noted in recently in The New York Times. In a related editorial, the Times reports that the Bush administration has released a strategic framework to improve the safety of imports by providing for surveillance all along the supply chain. Even if fully funded, however, that won't make food grown in the US any safer. For that, as Food Aid so amply demonstrated, our best bet may well be small farmers.
Unfortunately, as we've seen with recalls of lead-bearing toys, a lack of regulatory oversight and trained inspectors coupled with an overreliance of voluntary measures has resulted in unsafe products reaching store shelves on a wide scale. Now, even corporations that formerly opposed federal regulations are calling for them to shore up consumer confidence in their products, as noted in recently in The New York Times. In a related editorial, the Times reports that the Bush administration has released a strategic framework to improve the safety of imports by providing for surveillance all along the supply chain. Even if fully funded, however, that won't make food grown in the US any safer. For that, as Food Aid so amply demonstrated, our best bet may well be small farmers.
Local or Organic? I'll Take Both
by Mindy Pennybacker
by Mindy Pennybacker
Spinach Recall
by P.W. McRandle
by P.W. McRandle
Pet Food Perils
by P.W. McRandle
by P.W. McRandle