2016年12月15日 星期四

busboy, lifespan, 'health-span', gene therapy

1948年夏天乘船抵美後,他曾在芝加哥打工,做過餐館的打雜工(Bus Boy),賺取學費;其間,寫了不少自嘲的打油詩。

It's not about your lifespan – it's about your 'health-span'.

The team showed that a new form of gene therapy produced a remarkable rejuvenating effect in mice. After six weeks of treatment, the animals looked younger, had straighter spines and better cardiovascular health, healed quicker when injured, and lived 30% longer.

Busboy - Wikipedia


In North America, a busboy, busgirl, busser or bus person is a person who works in the restaurant and catering industry clearing tables, taking dirty dishes to the dishwasher, setting tables, and otherwise assisting the waiting staff.
