2013年1月3日 星期四

fountainhead,riverhead, second-handler, a following by word of mouth


作者:帕特里克•弗蘭納瑞(Patrick Flanery)﹐河源出版社(Riverhead)

The Fountainhead is a 1943 novel by Ayn Rand. It was Rand's first major literary success and brought her fame and financial success. More than 6.5 million copies of the book have been sold worldwide.
The Fountainhead's protagonist, Howard Roark, is an individualistic young architect who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision. The book follows his battle to practice what the public sees as modern architecture, which he believes to be superior, despite an establishment centered on tradition-worship. How others in the novel relate to Roark demonstrates Rand's various archetypes of human character, all of which are variants between Roark, the author's ideal man of independent-mindedness and integrity, and what she described as the "second-handers". The complex relationships between Roark and the various kinds of individuals who assist or hinder his progress, or both, allow the novel to be at once a romantic drama and a philosophical work. Roark is Rand's embodiment of the human spirit, and his struggle represents the triumph of individualism over collectivism.

The manuscript was rejected by twelve publishers before a young editor, Archibald Ogden, at the Bobbs-Merrill Company risked his job to get it published. Despite mixed reviews from the contemporary media, the book gained a following by word of mouth and became a bestseller. The novel was made into a Hollywood film in 1949. Rand wrote the screenplay, and Gary Cooper played Roark.

(foun'tən-hĕd') pronunciation
  1. A spring that is the source or head of a stream.
  2. A chief and copious source; an originator: "the intellectual fountainhead of the black conservatives" (Jerrold K. Footlick).

名]水源, 源泉;(…の)本源, 根源, 源((of ...))
go to the fountainhead


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[fɑ'louiŋ | fɔ'l-]

1 ((集合的))随員, 随行者;家来, 従者, 配下, 子分, 信奉者, 崇拝者;愛読者;ひいき, ファン
The magazine has a large following.
2 ((the 〜))次に述べる[掲げる]人[もの, 事]. ▼内容に応じて単数・複数扱い
Refer to the following for a summary.
1 ((通例the 〜))(順序・時間が)次の, 次に来る, 引き続く, 下記の, 次に述べる
the following dayweek, month] [=the daythe week, the month] following]
その翌日[週, 月]
the following page [pages]
次のぺージ(▼通例f., ff. と略し, pp. 20 f. (20, 21ページ), pp. 20 ff. (20ページ以降)のように書く).
2 同じ方向へ動く[吹く, 流れる];追い風の;〈潮が〉順流の.
━━[前]…のあとに, の次に(after);…に引き続いて, …の結果. ▼主にジャーナリズム用語
Following the lecture, light refreshments will be served.
