2013年1月14日 星期一

adverse, sea change, convert, Societas Europaea, r recreational drugs

A Roof Diagnostics crew installing panels in Holmdel, N.J. Creative financing has set off a boom in solar installations.
Marc Steiner for The New York Times

Solar Installers’ Deals Gain Converts

Installers are taking advantage of hefty tax breaks, creative financing and cheap Chinese-made panels to make solar power accessible to the mass market.

sea change

  1. A change caused by the sea: "Of his bones are coral made:/Those are pearls that were his eyes:/Nothing of him that doth fade,/But doth suffer a sea change" (Shakespeare).
  2. A marked transformation: "The script suffered considerable sea changes, particularly in structure" (Harold Pinter).

Are the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines safe?

The 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine is showing a similar safety profile to seasonal flu vaccines, which have a very good safety track record. Over the years, hundreds of millions of Americans have received seasonal flu vaccines. The most common side effects following flu vaccinations are mild, such as soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot was given. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are closely monitoring for any signs that the vaccine is causing unexpected adverse events and are working with state and local health officials and other public health partners to investigate any unusual events.

As president of General Motors  when Eisenhower tapped him to become secretary of defence in 1953, “Engine Charlie” Wilson voiced at his Senate confirmation hearing what was then the conventional view. When asked whether he could make a decision in the interest of the US that was adverse to the interest of GM, he said he could.
1953年,当艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)提名通用汽车(GM)总裁查理·威尔逊(Charlie Wilson)担任美国国防部长时,威尔逊在确认这一任命的参议院听证会上,提出了当时的一个传统观点。当被问及他是否会做出对美国有利、但对通用汽车不 利的决定时,他给出了肯定答复。

Driver Cellphone Bans Questioned

A study predicts that California's hands-free cellphone requirement will reduce traffic deaths in the state by 300 a year. But the study found a decrease only when people drove in adverse conditions, such as in rain, or on wet or icy roads.

Name of Product: "Hip Charm" Key Chains

Units: About 39,000 (firm previously recalled 12,000 key chains in April 2008)

Distributor: Wal-Mart Stores Inc., of Bentonville, Ark.

Importer: FGX International Inc., of Smithfield, R.I.

Hazard: The charms on the key chain can contain high levels of lead, which is toxic if ingested and can cause adverse health effects.

There is nothing to be gained, and potentially much to lose, by failing to disclose to health care professionals the use of prescribed, over-the-counter or recreational drugs, including alcohol. Nor should any chronic medical condition or prior adverse drug reaction be kept from your doctor.

ad·verse (ăd-vûrs', ăd'vûrs') pronunciationadj.
  1. Acting or serving to oppose; antagonistic: adverse criticism.
  2. Contrary to one's interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable: adverse circumstances.
  3. Moving in an opposite or opposing direction: adverse currents.
  4. Archaic. Placed opposite.
[Middle English, from Old French advers, from Latin adversus, past participle of advertere, to turn toward : ad-, ad- + vertere, to turn.]
adversely ad·verse'ly adv.
adverseness ad·verse'ness n.

adverse Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
having a negative or harmful effect on something:
The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.
They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes.
So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.

adversely Show phonetics
A lot of companies have been adversely (= in a harmful way) affected by the recession.


--> ━━ a. 逆の, 反対の ((to)) (an ~ wind 逆風, 向い風); 敵意のある; 不利な; 有害な.
 ━━ a. 対立[争い]を生じる; 敵対する.
 ━━ n. 敵, (競技などの)相手(方); (the A-) 悪魔 (Satan).
 ━━ a. 反対の(意味の).
adverse balance (預金口座の)マイナス残高.
adverse impact 悪影響.
ad・verse・ly ━━ ad.
adverse opinion 否定的[反対]意見; 【会計】(外部監査役からの)不適正意見.
ad・ver・si・ty ━━ n. 逆境; 不幸(の到来).

(1)(…に)反対する, 敵意を持つ((to ...))

adverse criticism

The Catholic Church is adverse to divorce.

(2)(方向・運動が)逆の, 反対の

adverse winds

2 不利な, 不都合な, 不運な, 意に添わない;〈効果などが〉マイナスの

an adverse effect

adverse weather conditions

under adverse circumstances

3 反対側の(opposite)

on the adverse page

[ラテン語adversus(ad-へ+vertere向ける+-tus過去分詞語尾=に反対に向けられた). △VERSE, CONVERT


  • レベル:大学入試程度
[動] 〔knvrt〕 (他)[III[名]([副])]
1 …を(…に)変える, 変形[変質]させる((to, into ...));《化学》…を転化させる. ⇒TRANSFORM[類語]
convert rags into paper
convert the heating system to natural gas
2 ((通例受身))
(1) 〈人を〉(…から;他の宗教・党・主義などに)改宗[転向, 変更]させる((from ...;to ...))
convert a tribe to Christianity
(2) 〈人を〉改心させる;発心(ほっしん)[回心]させる
be converted
3 〈部屋・建物などを〉(…から;…に)改造[改装]する((from ...;to, into ...))
a hotel converted into a hospital
4 …を(等価のものに)換える;〈紙幣・外貨などを〉(…に)兌換(だかん)[換算]する((into, to, for ...))
convert property into cash
5 …を(…と)入れ換える, 反対にする, 逆にする((to ...));《論理学》〈主辞・賓辞を〉換位する;《コンピュータ》〈2種のコードを〉変換する.
6 《法律》〈動産を〉横領する;〈財産の〉形態を転換する;《金融》〈有価証券を〉切り替える.
7 《アメフト・ラグビー》〈タッチダウン・トライに〉追加得点する.
1 (…に)変形する, 転換する((to, into ...))
Liquid converts to gas when heated.
2 (…から;…に)転向する, 改心[回心, 改宗]する;切り換える((from ...;to ...))
convert to Catholicism
She's converted to decaffeinated coffee.
3 《アメフト・ラグビー》コンバートが成る. ⇒CONVERSION 4
━━[名] 〔knvrt | kn-〕
1 (…への)転向者, 改宗[改心, 回心]者((to ...))
make a convert of a person
2 (…に)近ごろ熱中しだした人((to ...)).
[ラテン語convertere(con-共に+vertere曲がる=互いに位置がまわる→変わる). △INVERT, DIVERT

公司法律形式转变为欧洲公司/ 简称SE

The Allianz Group was reincorporated under a European Company Statute and, ... Allianz converted into a European Company (SE - Societas Europaea) in October

The Council Regulation on the Statute for a European Company of the European Union was adopted October 8, 2001.[1][2] It contains rules for European Public Companies known as a Societas Europaea (SE) (Latin for "European Company"). There is also a statute allowing European Cooperative Societies. An SE can be registered in any member state of the European Union, and the registration can be easily transferred to another member state. There is no EU-wide register of SEs (an SE is registered on the national register of the member state in which it has its head office), but each registration is to be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. As of September 2007, at least 64 registrations have been reported.[3]
