2013年1月19日 星期六

Reformation,The Radical Reformation/Anabaptist, Mennonite

The Radical Reformation was a 16th century response to what was believed to be both the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church and the expanding Magisterial Protestant movement led by Martin Luther and many others. Beginning in Germany and Switzerland, the Radical Reformation birthed many radical Protestant groups throughout Europe. The term covers both radical reformers like Thomas Müntzer, Andreas Karlstadt, groups like the Zwickau prophets and anabaptist groups like the Hutterites and the Mennonites.
Although the proportion of the European population rebelling against Catholic, Lutheran and Zwinglian churches was tiny, the literature on the Radical Reformation is vast, partly as a result of the proliferation of the Radical Reformation teachings in the United States.[1]
英荷反對:Anabaptist :重洗(禮)派;再洗派(教徒): 1524 年在德國倡行的基督新教派之一,主張只有成人始得受洗;凡自幼受洗者皆須再受洗。

Reformation, the Protestant :宗教改革;改教運動:十六世紀的西歐信友,對宗教生活的反感而導致的宗教改革。發起者是馬丁.路德 Martin Luther 1483-1546 ),原為天主教思定會會士,因不滿當時教會之某些故步自封作風,於 1517 年提出「九十五論題 Ninety-Five Theses 」,與教會分道揚鑣;是為基督教更正宗(或稱耶穌教、誓反教 Protestants )之開始。當時天主教斥之為拒絕基督徒真理之行動;然而痛定思痛之餘,在特利騰大公會議( 1545-1563 )中也適時激發了內部的改革而得以復蘇。
Reformed Church :改革教會;革新教會;改革宗:指十六世紀宗教改革時所產生的教會。


Eat Like a Mennonite

An extreme regime can help you avoid some common chemicals, but so could meaningful regulations.

門諾會Mennonite)是由門諾·西門Menno Simons)創立的宗教團體。2006年時,該教會於全球約有150萬名信徒[1]


