2014年3月16日 星期日

by, before, go along (with), leave someone/something alone

South Korea encouraged by Abe vow to leave sex slave apology alone

South Korean President Park Geun-hye welcomes Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s pledge to retain Japan’s 1993 apology over wartime sexual slavery.

 Obama's Budget Is a Populist Wish List and an Election Blueprint


President Obama called for ending tax breaks to pay for new spending, instead of cutting the budget, but Republicans are unlikely to go along.

...by the moon.

Top European officials vowed to unveil a sweeping euro-zone rescue plan by Oct. 23—setting the stage for one of the most critical weeks of the bloc's nearly two-year-old debt crisis.

height before width

leave someone/something alone

  • 1Abandon or desert someone or something.
    More example sentences
    • The construction of the hotel was mysteriously abandoned, and the grand building was left alone.
    • After all this activity, she is left alone for a solo that looked rather pointless, as if it had been tagged on for her benefit.
    • They both darted down the hallway, and with that, Stevey and I were left alone together.
2 (also let someone/something alone or leave/let well enough alone) Stop disturbing or interfering with someone or something.
More example sentences
  • We ask the council to stop this proposal and leave the bus stop alone.
  • Zach included me for a while, but Liz started to give me the impression I was interfering, so I left them alone.
  • We've had to stop him from coming in now because he just won't leave our customers alone.

go along with

Give one’s consent or agreement to (a person or their views): the group has decided to go along with the committee’s proposal More example sentences
  • The administration has finally gone along with what we in Congress have been proposing, which was an increase of about 25,000 in the Army.
  • They would probably just go along with it in the hope of getting some sexual satisfaction.
  • She suggested I do a test anyway which I went along with just for her sake.

  1. Earlier in time: They called me the day before.
  2. In front; ahead.
  1. Previous to in time; earlier than.
  2. In front of.
  3. In store for; awaiting: The young man's whole life lies before him.
  4. Into or in the presence of: She asked that the visitor be brought before her.
  5. Under the consideration or jurisdiction of: The case is now before the court.
  6. In a position superior to: The prince is before his brother in the line of succession.
  1. In advance of the time when: See me before you leave.
  2. Rather than; sooner than: I will die before I will betray my country.
[Middle English bifore, from Old English beforan.]

() pronunciation
  1. Close to; next to: the window by the door.
  2. With the use or help of; through: We came by the back road.
  3. Up to and beyond; past: We drove by the house.
  4. At or to: stopped by the bakery; came by the house.
  5. In the period of; during: sleeping by day.
  6. Not later than: by 5:30 P.M.
    1. In the amount of: letters by the thousands.
    2. To the extent of: shorter by two inches.
    1. According to: played by the rules.
    2. With respect to: siblings by blood.
  7. In the name of: swore by the Bible to tell the truth.
  8. Through the agency or action of: was killed by a bullet.
  9. Used to indicate a succession of specified individuals, groups, or quantities: One by one they left. They were persuaded little by little.
    1. Used in multiplication and division: Multiply 4 by 6 to get 24.
    2. Used with measurements: a room 12 by 18 feet.
    3. Toward. Used to express direction with points of the compass: south by east.
  1. On hand; nearby: Stand by.
  2. Aside; away: We put it by for later.
  3. Up to, alongside, and past: The car raced by.
  4. At or to one's home or current location: Stop by later today.
  5. Into the past: as years go by.
by oneself
  1. Without company; alone: went by herself.
  2. Without help: wrote the book by myself.
[Middle English, from Old English bī, be.]

1 ((受身構文の動作主))…によって
The telephone was invented by Bell.
電話はベルが発明した(▼名詞表現はthe invention of the telephone by Bell)
a poem (written) by Keats.
キーツの詩(▼film, play, novelなどでは直接byを後続させてもよいが, 例えばan opinion by JohnとはふつういわずJohn's opinionとする).
[語法]byは行為者(または原因と考えられるもの)を示し, withは道具を示す:He was killed by an arrow. はAn arrow killed him. に, He was killed with an arrow. はSomebody killed him with an arrow. に等しい.
2 ((経由・運輸・通信の手段))…経由で(via);…を通って(through)(⇒AT[前]2);…によって(in, on)
by way of Siberia
by post [telegram, special delivery]
郵便[電報, 速達]で
He came by the freeway.
He arrived by air [land, sea].
空路[陸路, 海路]でやって来た
He went by car [train, ship, plane].
車[列車, 船, 飛行機]で行った.
(1) 特定の乗り物をいう場合は, by the 10:30 trainのようにふつうtheを伴う.
(2) in, onでは冠詞, 所有格を伴う:on the train [in my car]列車[私の車]で.
3 ((通過))…のそばを通って
He went [passed] by the church.
(1) ((位置))…のそばで[を], の近くに[を], のかたわらに[を](beside, past)
a home by the river
I live by[=near] the sea.
Come and sit by me [=next to me].
There is someone by [=at] the door.
[語法]地名の前ではbyでなくnearを使う:She was born near Paris. 彼女はパリの近くで生まれた.
(2) ((方位))…寄りの
sail N by E from New York
5 ((時間の限界))…までに(は)(not later than);…のころはもう
by this time tomorrow
I usually finish work by [=before] six o'clock.
たいてい6時までには仕事を終える(▼beforeでは単に「6時前に」であるが, byでは6時ぎりぎりまでかかることを暗示する)
By the time (that) the fruit is on the table they will be all pretty drunk.
果物が食卓に出されるころには皆かなり酔ってしまっていることだろう(▼(1)thatはふつう省く.  (2)by the timeに続くthat節では現在形で未来を表す).
