2014年3月17日 星期一

inveigh, spiny , whispered or declaimed, counterclaim

'The story of MH370's disappearance has had all the hallmarks of a thriller over the past week: the red herrings, the misinformation, the suspicious passengers, the wider political ramifications. And yet, at the heart of all the theories and counterclaims, remains this black hole: the plane is still missing' via Comment is free
Stephanie Merritt: Malaysia Airlines' missing plane prompts the niggling thought that maybe we have no business taking to the skies
The Guardian|由 Stephanie Merritt 上傳

Tactics, Luck and Perseverance Kept Health Bill Alive
That President Obama has come within a whisper of passing historic social legislation is remarkable in itself. But the story of how he did it is not his alone.

We encounter each other in words, words
spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed,
words to consider, reconsider.


v., -claimed, -claim·ing, -claims. v.intr.
  1. To deliver a formal recitation, especially as an exercise in rhetoric or elocution.
  2. To speak loudly and vehemently; inveigh.
To utter or recite with rhetorical effect.
[Middle English declamen, from Latin dēclāmāre : dē-, intensive pref.; see de– + clāmāre, to cry out.]
declaimer de·claim'er n.

  1. Soft speech produced without full voice.
  2. Something uttered very softly.
  3. A secretly or surreptitiously expressed belief, rumor, or hint: whispers of scandal.
  4. A low rustling sound: the whisper of wind in the pines.

v., -pered, -per·ing, -pers. v.intr.
  1. To speak softly.
  2. To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue.
  3. To make a soft rustling sound.
  1. To utter very softly.
  2. To say or tell privately or secretly.
[From Middle English whisperen, to whisper, from Old English hwisprian.]
whisperer whis'per·er n.
whispery whis'per·y adj.
v. intr. - 耳語, 颯颯地響, 密談
v. tr. - 低聲說
n. - 耳語, 謠傳, 密談
  • whispering campaign 政治誹謗運動
  • whispering gallery 回音廊
━━ v. ささやく; こっそり話す[言いふらす] ((about)); (風・小川などが)さらさら音を立てる.
━━ n. ささやき; こそこそ話; うわさ; さらさらいう音.
whis・per・er ━━ n.
whispering campaign 口づてに人の名誉・地位を中傷する運動.
whispering-gallery ささやきでも遠くまで伝わるようにできている回廊.


adj., -i·er, -i·est.
  1. Bearing or covered with spines, thorns, or similar stiff projections.
  2. Shaped like a spine.
  3. Difficult; troublesome.
spininess spin'i·ness n.
━━ a. 針[とげ]の多い[のような]; むずかしい.
spiny lobster 【動】イセエビ.

in·veigh (ĭn-vā') pronunciation
intr.v., -veighed, -veigh·ing, -veighs.
To give vent to angry disapproval; protest vehemently.

[Latin invehī, to attack with words, inveigh against, passive of invehere, to carry in : in-, in; see in-2 + vehere, to carry.]
inveigher in·veigh'er n.
