2012年8月17日 星期五

cella, cellar, nigh, Most of Any Olympian

Phelps Wins Medal No. 19, Most of Any Olympian

Conferences with 3-D avatars are nigh, because consumer technology has caught up with the work going on in a pioneering virtual-reality laboratory.

Rapid dissemination and reposting in social media make it nigh impossible to scrub unwanted images and text from the Web, so a doctor must be vigilant about what gets posted.

Guy Fawkes
Bridgeman Art Library

The End Is Nigh
Fawkes never got close to setting off his charges. The plot was discovered when the cellars were searched the night before the opening of Parliament. Fawkes was caught, while his fellow conspirators fled; they were subsequently cornered and either died resisting arrest or were captured and executed. When Fawkes was asked what he was doing in possession of so much gunpowder, he reportedly answered that his intention was "to blow you Scotch beggars back to your native mountains." On Jan. 31, 1606, Fawkes and three others were executed at the Old Palace Yard at Westminster, opposite the building they'd attempted to destroy. The 17th century engraving above records the scene.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2087813,00.html#ixzz1Urcbia9f

cella (from Latin for small chamber) or naos (from the Greek ναός, "temple") is the inner chamber of an ancient Greek or Roman temple in classical ...

() pronunciation
adv., nigh·er, nigh·est.
  1. Near in time, place, or relationship: Evening draws nigh.
  2. Nearly; almost: talked for nigh onto two hours.
adj., nigher, nighest.
  1. Being near in time, place, or relationship; close. See synonyms at close.
    1. Being on the left side of an animal or vehicle: pulling hard on the nigh rein.
    2. Being the animal or vehicle on the left: the nigh horse.
Not far from; near.

tr. & intr.v., nighed, nigh·ing, nighs.
To come near to or draw near.

[Middle English neigh, from Old English nēah, nēh.]
