2012年8月29日 星期三

titanium , vanadium, rare earths, family silver, silvery

His secret? Deals. Despite an expensive Huffington Post deal, Mr. Armstrong's coup was selling off the family silver, a portfolio of patents, for $1.1 billion. Monday, it said how it would return the cash to shareholders.

US, EU and Japan say China is unfairly limiting exports of minerals used in ...
Washington Post
BRUSSELS — The United States, the European Union and Japan filed complaints Tuesday with the World Trade Organization charging that China is limiting its export of rare earths, minerals that are vital to the production of high-tech goods.

In addition to seizing control of the rare earth mining districts in southern Jiangxi Province, the Ministry of Land and Resources announced that it was imposing national planning authority on an iron ore mining area in the western Chinese province of Sichuan that has two other scarce and valuable metals, titanium and vanadium. Titanium has many applications in aerospace and other industry sectors, while vanadium is used in the production of sulfuric acid, which is the main material needed to refine rare earth ores.

Vanadium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

- [ 翻譯此頁 ]
Vanadium is a chemical element with the symbol V and atomic number 23. It is a soft, silvery gray, ductile transition metal. The formation of an oxide layer ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanadium - 頁庫存檔 - 類似內容


本文強調釩(vanadium)暴露對人體的健康影響,美國環境保護署已經鑑定了1177處重要有害廢棄物棄置場址,列入“國家優先整治表”中,其中已經發現至少有23場含有釩。 ...

the family silver 家傳的銀器品


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[sílvər]

1 [U](商品や通貨基準としての)銀;《化学》銀(記号:Ag)
The value of silver has risen.
2 [U]((古風))銀貨(silver coins);白色をした硬貨;金銭.
3 [U]銀器(silverware);(一般に)食器(フォーク・ナイフなど).
4 [U]銀色, 銀白;銀色の輝き[光沢].
5 [U]((米))《写真》ハロゲン化銀(臭化銀・塩化銀・ヨウ化銀など).
6 ((略式))=silver medal.
1 銀の;銀製の;銀を含む;銀めっきを施した
a silver coin
silver bullion
2 銀を産出する.
3 銀のような;銀色の, 銀白色の, しろがね色の
silver hair
4 銀鈴を鳴らしたような, さえた柔らかい音色の
a silver resonance
5 雄弁な, 説得力のある
silver words of praise
6 銀本位制の.
1 …に銀をかぶせる, 銀めっきする;《写真》…に硝酸銀を塗る.
2 …を銀色に光らせる;((文))…を銀色[白髪]にする.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[sílvəri]

1 銀のような;銀色に輝く[光る]
a silvery luster
silvery hair
2 銀鈴を鳴らすような.
3 銀を含有する;銀を着せた.
