2012年8月15日 星期三

abduct, virtual ATM, automatic-teller-machine, "omissions and compressions"

 Now Home in Taiwan, Man 'Abducted' by Chinese Police Tells Ordeal
The Epoch Times
Taiwan Falun Gong practitioner Chung Ting-pang (C), with wife (L) and daughter Chung Ai (R). Chung was recently released from detention in China and allowed to return to Taiwan, after large protests made Chung's continued detention undesirable. (Zhong .

On April 18, Mortenson responded to most of the charges in an interview that ran on the website of Outside magazine. He admitted to "omissions and compressions" in his first book but denied Krakauer and CBS's claim that he did not get to the town at the center of the narrative until a year after the events he described. He said there were villagers who could corroborate his account but argued that the residents of the region find "Westerners' emphasis on time confusing." Mortenson also insisted that he was kidnapped, though he allowed that his abductors did not call themselves Taliban. As for the allegations of using the CAI as a virtual ATM, he says that consultants have told him "basically we've done nothing wrong" and that "as much as it would be great to separate everything, we're all intricately woven ... I'm really the only reason CAI can exist right now."

a virtual ATM 虛擬的

automatic teller machine
ATM 提款機

n. (Abbr. ATM)
An unattended electronic machine in a public place, connected to a data system and related equipment and activated by a bank customer to obtain cash withdrawals and other banking services. Also called automatic teller machine, cash machine, Also called money machine.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[æbdʌ'kt]

1 〈人を〉誘拐(ゆうかい)する, かどわかす(kidnap).
2 《生理学》〈手・足などを〉外転させる(⇔adduct).
[ラテン語ab-離して+ducere導く. △INTRODUCE
abductor (noun) Someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom).名]誘拐犯
Synonyms:kidnapper, snatcher
Usage:Until dark the Englishman searched the nearby jungle for a trace of the missing one or a sign of the trail of her abductor.
