2018年4月17日 星期二

lackey, running dog, attack dog, bench, bias, backbencher, racial-bias education

Starbucks to close all company-owned stores on the afternoon of May 29 for racial-bias education day


Dispatches From the Republican National Convention
Thursday, August 30, 2012, at 1:20 AM EDT
Paul Ryan was supposed to be the idea man. So far he’s pure attack dog.

Editorial: Their Bias Is Clear

The Virginia Legislature disgraced itself when it rejected the nomination of a widely respected prosecutor to be the first openly gay judge on the state bench.

Definitions of lackey
a servant, especially a liveried footman or manservant.
This is a man who treats women like servants and men like lackeys .
synonyms: servantflunkyfootmanmanservantvaletstewardbutlerattendanthouseboydomesticscullion
behave servilely to; wait upon as a lackey.
"he had lackeyed and flattered Walpole"

從"running dog ( n. 走狗) "說起

這running dog n. 走狗 -- A servile follower or lackey.
[Translation of Chinese (Mandarin) zǒu gǒu : zǒu, running + gǒu, dog.]
日文〔軽蔑〕 【政】卑屈な追随者, 陣笠政治家.

じんがさ ぢん― 0 3 【陣▼笠】
じんがさ 陣笠
a soldier's helmet.
・~連 《政党員・議員》backbenchers.
我昨天讀「牛津裝飾藝術事典」,知道running dog也是一種連續圖案之俗稱。今天找不到它,不過碰到類似的:

The other is his running dog pattern. The running dog pattern was used on the prototype boxes entered in the IPP Design contest, - like the box shown here.


1 ベンチ, 長いす[腰掛け], 共同いす(▼背もたれの有無は無関係);(ボートの)こぎ手座(thwart)
a park bench
2 (大工・機械工などの)作業台, 細工台(workbench);(研究室の)実験作業台(laboratory bench).
3 (温室などの)鉢台, 栽培床, 苗木箱.
4 畜犬品評会, ドッグショー;その陳列台.
5 ((米))ベンチ, 選手席;((集合的))交替要員, 補欠選手たち
on the bench
warm the bench
ベンチを温める, 控え選手になる[である].
6 ((the 〜))
(1) (役人, 特に裁判官の)席, 裁判所, 法廷.
(2) ((集合的))官職;裁判官[判事]の職;裁判官全体, 裁判官一同
on the bench
裁判官の職について, 審理中で
servesiton the bench
take a seat on the bench
the opinion of the bench
bench and bar
the Court of King'sQueen's] Bench
be raised to the bench
7 ((英))((通例〜es))(議会の)議員席;((集合的))(議会の)議員たち.
8 《地理》ベンチ(berm):段丘を構成する棚状の平坦面.
9 《採鉱》(鉱石採掘のために作る)階段.
1 〈公園などに〉ベンチを備えつける.
2 〈人を〉ベンチに座らせる;((米))〈選手を〉ベンチに引っ込める.
3 〈人を〉判事の席[役職]につかせる.
4 〈犬などを〉品評会に出す.
[古英語benc. 原義は「机」の意もあった. △BANK3

 attack dog


attack dog (plural attack dogs)
  1. Any dog bred; trained or used for the purpose of attacking a target, either on command or on sight; trained either as a specialized form of police dog or a security force dog.
  2. A dog used in dogfighting; a bloodsport.
  3. A person who engages in rhetorical attacks on behalf of another.  [quotations ▼]
