2010年10月27日 星期三

walking the walk, not just talking the talk

Perhaps the most significant aspect of Ford’s renaissance has been its professed focus on quality and the bottom line. Detroit rivals previously unfamiliar with the phrase “less is more” may attribute Ford’s success to their own turmoil, but Ford is walking the walk, not just talking the talk: restrained rebates, inventory levels and fleet sales confirm it. Ford is putting out a better product and convincing customers to pay accordingly.

福特复兴最重要的一面,或许是其宣称的对质量和利润的关注。以前不熟悉“少就是多” (less is more)这个短语的底特律竞争对手们,也许会将福特的成功归因于他们自身的混乱,但福特说到做到,而不只是光说不练:低折扣、库存水平和大宗销售证实了 这一点。福特正在生产出更好的产品,并说服客户支付相应的价格。
