2014年6月12日 星期四

priapism, apothecary, benefactor, benefaction

 截至周三,本報未能聯絡到王偉或諾蘭予以置評。劍橋大學發表聲明稱:「Chong Hua基金會的捐贈通過了劍橋大學捐贈顧問委員會(University of Cambridge Advisory Committee on Benefactions)的全面核實和批准。按照慣例,由於捐贈者希望完全匿名,因此不便透露進一步的細節。」

Great Expectations

Lavish adaptation of the classic Charles Dickens novel in which orphan Pip becomes a gentleman when his life is transformed by a mystery benefactor.

 "對美國,我們不是「治療陽痿」,我們是「陽痿治療」。是用使美國陽痿的方法,治療美國「強陽不倒」的絕症(「強陽不倒」的學名是「陰莖異常堅挺」,priapism)。美國的絕症很邪門兒,它得了「政治上的強陽不倒」(political priapism),禍害世界和它自己。"


Pronunciation: /ˈbɛnɪfaktə/
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  • a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause: a low-interest loan from a benefactor allowed them to build a floor for the exhibition hall


late Middle English: from Latin, from bene facere 'do good (to)' (see benefaction)


Line breaks: bene|fac¦tion
Pronunciation: /ˌbɛnɪˈfakʃ(ə)n/


  • A donation or gift: an exceptional benefaction [mass noun]: take official receipt of such benefaction


mid 17th century: from late Latin benefactio(n-), from bene facere 'do good (to)', from bene 'well' + facere 'do'.


pri·a·pism (prī'ə-pĭz'əm) pronunciation
Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal.

[French priapisme, from Late Latin priāpismus, from Greek priāpismos, from priāpizein, to have an erection, from Priāpos, Priapus.]

Apothecaries Hall in Blackfriars, 1831

(ə-pŏth'ĭ-kĕr'ē) pronunciation
n., pl., -ies.
  1. One that prepares and sells drugs and other medicines; a pharmacist.
  2. See pharmacy (sense 2).
[Middle English apotecarie, from Old French apotecaire and from Medieval Latin apothēcārius, both from Late Latin, clerk, from Latin apothēca, storehouse, from Greek apothēkē : apo-, away; see apo- + thēkē, receptacle.]
The physician's accomplice, undertaker's benefactor and grave worm's provider.
    When Jove sent blessings to all men that are,
   And Mercury conveyed them in a jar,
   That friend of tricksters introduced by stealth
   Disease for the apothecary's health,
   Whose gratitude impelled him to proclaim:
   "My deadliest drug shall bear my patron's name!"
