2014年6月2日 星期一

croak, call the bet, weep,gambler, croupier

有时候赢牌容易,把钱带走却很难,所以我开始带枪了。当其他玩家把风声透漏给小偷时, 枪还是很管用的。上世纪90年代有一次,我到早上5点才离开布拉德福德(Bradford)的一个牌局,当时是冬天,严寒刺骨,我身上带了很多现金。我和 朋友走上防火梯时,听见有人低声说话,所以我掏出枪来向空中开了一枪。不知道那些人是谁,不过他们逃跑时慌张地撞倒了几个垃圾桶。
Gamblers aren’t the most sympathetic bunch in the world. In 1996, I was playing against an older fellow called Charlie, a nice guy from Liverpool. We were fighting over a decent pot, about £3,000. I bet the pot, and Charlie fell off his chair. He’d had a heart attack. Today, there’s no way I would have wanted the money under those circumstances, but at the time it was tough. I asked whether I had won, but he didn’t answer. I asked again, and thought the pot was mine. But this time Charlie managed to croak to his brother to call the bet. He died later in hospital. 赌徒可不是什么有同情心的人。1996年,我和一个名叫查理的老兄打牌,他来自利物 浦,是个不错的家伙。赌注很大,大概3000英镑。我下注后查理就从椅子上摔了下去,他心脏病发作了。今天,如果是那种情况,我一定不会想要那些钱了,但 当时还很艰难。我问是不是我赢了,他没有回答。我又问了一遍,觉得钱归我了。就在这时,查理嗓音嘶哑,艰难地告诉自己的兄弟“跟”。后来他死在了医院里。

Whenever Bronze took his seat in the orchestra, the first thing that happened to him was that his face grew red, and the perspiration streamed from it, for the air was always hot, and reeking of garlic to the point of suffocation. Then his fiddle would begin to moan, and a double bass would croak hoarsely into his right ear, and a flute would weep into his left.

A low hoarse sound, as that characteristic of frogs and crows.

v., croaked, croak·ing, croaks. v.tr.
  1. To utter in a low hoarse sound.
  2. Slang. To kill.
    1. To utter a low hoarse sound.
    2. To speak with a low hoarse voice.
  1. To mutter discontentedly; grumble.
  2. Slang. To die.
[From Middle English croken, to croak, probably of imitative origin.]
1 〈カエル・カラスなどが〉ガーガー[カーカー]鳴く.
2 〈人が〉しわがれ声[かすれ声]で話す;陰気な話し方をする;不平を言う.
3 ((俗))〈人が〉死ぬ, くたばる.
4 ((米俗))〈人が〉落第する.
1 …を陰気な声[しわがれ声]で話す((out)).
2 ((俗))〈人を〉殺す.
1 ガーガー[カーカー]鳴く声.
2 ((a 〜))しわがれ声;泣き言.croakily croak'i·ly adv.
croaky croak'y adj.
[動](wept, 〜・ing)(自)
1I([副])]((文))泣く;(…に)涙を流す, (…を)涙を流して嘆く[悲しむ, 喜ぶ]((for, over, at, with ...)). ▼for, overは人・物に, atは事につく. ⇒SOB(自)1
weep in sympathy
weep for happiness
weep with disappointment
I could have wept.
She wept at the news.
2 ((文))しずくがたれる, 漏れる;〈土・岩が〉水をしたたらせる, 〈植物が〉樹液を分泌する, 〈空が〉雨を降らせる;〈傷口などが〉じくじくする.
3 〈木が〉しだれる, 枝をたらす.
1 ((文))…のために涙をこぼす;…を嘆き悲しむ;〈涙を〉流す, こぼす
weep tears of happiness
2 ((文))〈しずく・樹液などを〉たらす, しみ出させる
The trees weep sap.
3 …を泣き暮らす, 泣き明かす, 泣いて…する((away, out));((〜 -self))泣いて(ある状態に)至る((to ...))
weep oneself to sleep

A croupier or dealer is someone appointed at a gambling table to assist in the conduct of the game, especially in the distribution of bets and payouts. Croupiers are typically employed by casinos. Wikipedia
