2014年6月19日 星期四

lacuna, ignoramus, trooper, equivalence , congruence

equivalence relation: Definition from Answers.com
Congruence of triangles is an equivalence relation in geometry. Members of a set
are said to be in the same equivalence class if they have an equivalence ...

The Lacuna'

This novel, about a boy's consequential bonds with Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo and Leon Trotsky, is a call to conscience and connection.


  • 発音記号[ikwívələns]

1 等価;同値, 同量, 同意義
equivalence between work and wages
2 [C]相当[等価]物.
3 〔またìkwvéilns〕 《化学》(原子の)等価.
4 《論理学・数学》等価, 同値;《数学》等(面)積.
━━[形]《論理学・数学》等価の, 同値の.

congruence, -ency[con・gru・ence, -en・cy]

  • 発音記号[kɑ'ŋgruəns | kɔ'ŋ-, -ənsi]

1 適合, 一致, 調和((between ...)).
2 《数学》合同.


━━ n. 無知[無学]な人.
━━ vt. 曲解する; 悪用[誤用]する; 邪道に導く; 性的に倒錯させる.
━━ n. 背教者; 堕落者; 性的倒錯者, 変質者.
troop・er ━━ n. 騎兵; 戦車兵; 騎馬警官; 騎兵馬; 州警察官; 〔英〕 輸送船.
━━ n. 建具屋, 指物師; 〔話〕 (団体などに)加入したがる人.
join・er・y n. ((集合的)) 指物細工, 建具類; 建具職の仕事.
附和 Oba 去巴黎拉丁區 當Bobo 學一拉丁字

A lacuna is a gap in a manuscript, inscription or text.

The word is Latin for hole or pit. The plural is lacunae. (The word lagoon referring to an empty space of water is cognate.)

The state of old manuscripts or inscriptions which have weathered or been damaged sometimes gives rise to lacunae - passages consisting of a word or words that are missing or illegible. In order to reconstruct the original text, the context is to be considered. In archaeology and literary criticism this may sometimes lead to competing reconstructions and consequent interpretations.

In translation, a lacuna is a lexical gap, a lack of one-to-one equivalence between the word, expression or turn of phrase in the source language and another word, expression or turn of phrase in the target language. This is a factor in untranslatability.

(lə-kyū') pronunciation
n., pl., -nae (-nē), or -nas.
  1. An empty space or a missing part; a gap: "self-centered in opinion, with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance" (Frank Norris).
  2. Anatomy. A cavity, space, or depression, especially in a bone, containing cartilage or bone cells.
[Latin lacūna. See lagoon.]
lacunal la·cu'nal adj.
