2011年7月30日 星期六

Camelot, ambience, monolith

In an Early 1900s Neighborhood, a Glimpse of ‘2001’

People in Fiske Terrace-Midwood Park say a 20-foot-tall Verizon FiOS monolith clashes with the neighborhood’s ambience.


1 モノリス.
(1) 特に建築・彫刻用の一枚岩, 一本石.
(2) (1)から造られたオベリスク・柱・像など.
2 一枚岩的な組織[集団, 政府].

Word of the Day:

Camelot (KAM-uh-lot)

noun: An idealized time or place, one regarded as enlightened, beautiful, and peaceful.

After Camelot, the site of King Arthur's court in Arthurian legend.

Camelot has also become a nickname for the glamorous ambience of the time in the US when John F. Kennedy was the president (1961-1963). A musical titled Camelot, based on the Arthurian legend, was popular around the same time and the word came to be applied to the exciting time of change during Kennedy's administration.

"Dan Webster likes to reminisce about the good ol' days when Republicans ended the Democrats' reign of terror and turned Tallahassee into a Camelot of good government." — Scott Maxwell; Alan Grayson's GOP Challengers Slide to Right at Forum; Lost Angeles Times; May 27, 2010.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[ǽmbiəns]

[名][U]((またan 〜))
1 ((文))(特徴的な)雰囲気
a pleasing ambience
2 (ライブ録音の感じを出すためにつける)背景音.
3 周囲, 外界.
