2011年7月10日 星期日

(as) rich as Croesus / Rockefeller 

(as) rich as Croesus / Rockefeller 

紀元前6世紀的中東Lydia國王Croesus(這字照希臘文’o”要發音:クロイソス;英文則不發音) 就是大超級富豪(a man of immense weath)。

我們談過John D. Rockefeller(1839-1937) 的經營財富有道。他過世,英文圈(1938)就用他取代Croesus……


A king of Lydia who flourished in the 6th century b. c., and was renowned for his vast wealth; hence, a common appellation for a very rich man; as, he is a veritable Crœsus.


━━ n. クロイソス(のような大富豪) ((紀元前6世紀のLydiaの王)).
(as) rich as Croesus 大金持で.
