2013年11月2日 星期六

anniversary, devastated, VJ Day, jollification

 Thousands in Japan anti-nuclear protest two years after Fukushima
TOKYO (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters marched in the Japanese capital on Sunday calling on the government to shun nuclear power, a day before the second anniversary of an earthquake and tsunami that triggered the world's worst atomic disaster in ...

Japan Marks A-Bomb Anniversary
Voice of America
Photo: AP Japan is commemorating the victims of the atomic bomb that devastated Hiroshima 65 years ago. The attack by the United States in 1945 was ...

Prince to lead tributes on VJ Day
The Prince of Wales is to lead veterans in a service marking the 65th anniversary of Victory over Japan Day

jollification (noun) A boisterous celebration; a merry festivity.Synonyms:merrymaking, conviviality
Usage: The jollification that followed the team's come-from-behind victory provided Michael with the opportunity to slip away unnoticed.


an • ni • ver • sa • ry
anniversaries (複数形)
1 (毎年の)記念日, 例祭日, 年忌日
a wedding anniversary
celebrate the 200th anniversary of American independence
2 記念祭, 周年祭
have an anniversary
1 例年の(annual).
2 〈贈り物・行事などが〉記念日[祭]の(略:anniv.).
[ラテン語anniversārius(annus年+vertere戻る). △ANNUAL, VERSE, ADVERSE

Pronunciation: /anɪˈvəːs(ə)ri/
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noun (plural anniversaries)

  • the date on which an event took place or an institution was founded in a previous year:the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Britain the 75th anniversary of the RAF
  • the date on which a couple were married in a previous year:he even forgot our tenth anniversary!


Middle English: from Latin anniversarius 'returning yearly', from annus 'year' + versus 'turning'

Spelling help

Spell anniversary with a double n at the beginning; the ending is -ary.
