2013年11月20日 星期三

means, achieve, underachiever,means test, means and ends,

  The French increasingly think Europe is the problem, not the solution. Four years after the start of the euro-zone crisis, with joblessness at a 16-year high and a recession-battered economy, disillusion has set in. In today's French mind, the EU has become too big, too distant, too focused on austerity and trade: a constraint, not a means of salvation http://econ.st/17kdISY

Ex-A.I.G. Chief Is Back, Luring Talent From Rescued Firm
Maurice R. Greenberg’s new company may soon start to siphon off business from A.I.G., and, therefore, its means to repay its debt to the government.

means test

v., -test·ed, -test·ing, -tests.
  1. To apply a means test to or require a means test for (a governmental program, for example).
  2. To subject to a means test: The board means-tests all applicants for rent control.


mean━━ n. 中間, 中位; 【数】平均(値), 中項; 中庸; 【論】媒辞, 中名辞; 【楽】中音部; (pl.) ((普通単数扱い)) 手段, 方法; 機関; (pl.) ((複数扱い)) 収入, 資産, 富.
by all (manner of) means ぜひとも; ((返事で)) よろしいとも, ぜひどうぞ ((承諾の返事)).
by any means どうにかして; ((否定文で)) どうしても(…ない).
by fair means or foul 手段を選ばずに.
by means of …によって.
by no (manner of) means 決して…でない.
by some means or other どうにかこうにか.
man of means 金持.

IN BRIEF: n. - How a result is obtained or an end is achieved; also - Intends, has in mind.

pronunciation Means and ends are central. If your means are corroded, your ends will be corroded — Nat Hentof


Syllabification: (means)
Pronunciation: /mēnz/
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  • 1 [usually treated as singular] (often means of something or means to do something) an action or system by which a result is brought about; a method:these pledges are a means to avoid prosecution resolving disputes by peaceful means
  • 2money; financial resources:a woman of modest but independent means prospective students without the means to attend Cornell
  • resources; capability:every country in the world has the means to make ethanol
  • wealth:a man of means


beyond (or within) one's means

beyond (or within) one’s budget or income:the government is living beyond its means

by all means

of course; certainly (granting a permission):“May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.”

by any means

(or by any manner of means)
(following a negative) in any way; at all:I’m not poor by any means

by means of

with the help or agency of:supplying water to cities by means of aqueducts

by no means

(or by no manner of means)
not at all; certainly not:the outcome is by no means guaranteed

a means to an end

a thing that is not valued or important in itself but is useful in achieving an aim:a computer is merely a means to an end


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[ətʃíːv]

1 〈仕事・目的・計画などを〉(努力して)達成する, なし遂げる(▼努力を伴う経過に重点がある. ⇒ACCOMPLISH
achieve one's aim
2 〈栄誉・名声などを〉(努力して)かち取る, 獲得する;〈功績などを〉あげる, 立てる
She went through many troubles but finally achieved success.
━━(自)(ある分野で)成果をあげる((at ...)).
[語法]achieveは「努力によって得る」なので, 「70ポンドの体重になる」を×achieve the weight of 70 poundsのようにgetやreachの意味では使えないが, 減量のように「努力してその目方に達する」場合はachieveでよい.
[古フランス語a chef(頭へ)の合一形. 「頂点に達する→達成する」. △CHIEF, CAPTAIN

林書豪和姚明的區別:一個是不該發生的發生了 (overachiever),一個是該發生沒有發生 (underachiever)。
林書豪 (JeremyLin) 的故事究竟是被後人津津樂道的「林氏瘋」(LIN-sanity)﹖還是安迪‧華荷(AndyWarhol) 所謂的每個人的一生都會出十五分鐘的「臨時風(頭)」﹖一個事實不能否認:在2012年的二月的第二個星期﹐美國職業籃球 (NBA) 史上發生了一件史無前例的傳奇。


