2013年11月7日 星期四

shoulder, take the stand, standing on the shoulders of giants

Microsoft says Google Android is 'standing on our shoulders'
The Guardian
One of Microsoft's most senior lawyers has accused Google's Android software of "standing on the shoulders" of companies such as his own in the smartphone wars, and that the flurry of patent lawsuits going on between companies involved in the field is ...

USA Today

TOKYO (AP) — The United States has asked Japan to help shoulder hundreds of millions of dollars in additional fees to transfer Marines from a controversial ...


Bolshoi Director Testifies on Acid Attack

Sergei Filin, the Bolshoi Ballet artistic director, took the stand on Wednesday to confront the dancer accused of masterminding the assault that nearly blinded him.

BP Wants Partners to Help Shoulder Spill Cost

BP has said it would pay for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. But its actions show it does not intend to go it alone.

Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants (Latin: nanos gigantium humeris insidentes) is a Western metaphor meaning "One who develops future intellectual pursuits by understanding the research and works created by notable thinkers of the past," a contemporary interpretation. However, the metaphor was first recorded in the twelfth century and attributed to Bernard of Chartres.[1] It was famously uttered by seventeenth-century scientist Isaac Newton (see below). The picture is derived from the Greek mythology where the blind giant Orion carried his servant Cedalion on his shoulders.

  • 3the place where someone typically stands or sits:she took her stand in front of the desks
  • a place where vehicles, typically taxis, wait for passengers: a taxi stand the terminal’s facilities include additional aircraft parking stands
  • (also witness stand) a witness box:Sergeant Harris took the stand

v., -dered, -der·ing, -ders. v.tr.
  1. To carry or place (a burden, for example) on the shoulders.
  2. To take on; assume: shouldered the blame for his friends.
  3. To push or apply force to, with or as if with the shoulder.
  4. To make (one's way) by or as if by shoving obstacles with one's shoulders.
