2012年3月15日 星期四

C-suite, executive assistant (or "EA," "admin," or "secretary." )

She Bosses the CEO
Long-term partnerships between an executive and an executive assistant (or "EA," "admin," or "secretary," depending on your location and generation) are becoming increasingly rare.

Crowded at the Top: The Rise of the Functional Manager
It's not lonely at the top anymore—today's CEO has an average of 10 direct reports, according to new research by Julie M. Wulf, Maria Guadalupe, and Hongyi Li. Thank a dramatic increase in the number of "functional" managers for crowding in the C-suite.



From C in chief + suite


C-suite (plural C-suites)
  1. (management) The group of officers of a business organization, who have the word "chief" in their titles.
  2. (management) Senior headquarters executives.


1 則留言:

人事物 提到...

台湾エイサー(Acer)は現地時間3月31日、同社最高経営責任者(CEO)兼社長であるジャンフランコ・ランチ(Gianfranco Lanci)氏の辞任を発表した。すでに役員会での承認と全社員への通知は行なわれており、後任の決定までは同社会長のJTワン(JTWang)氏がCEO兼社長と ...