10 Most Popular Stories
1. North Korea's Secret Weapon — Counterfeited $100 Bills
By David Wolman
These ultra-counterfeits are light years beyond the weak facsimiles produced by most forgers, who use desktop printers.
Quartet faces German court in multi-million euro bogus art case
Nearly 200 witnesses are set to appear in court as one of the most
significant art forgery cases in post-war Germany opens. Four people stand
accused of earning 16 million euros from selling fake artworks.
H&M Is Forging Ahead, Despite Retail's Misery
Fashion retailer Hennes & Mauritz aims to forge ahead with a fast-paced global expansion, despite December sales hurt by the economic downturn.
Taiwan aims to forge closer ties with Southeast Asia once it has signed a trade agreement with China,
- A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy.
- A workshop where pig iron is transformed into wrought iron.
v., forged, forg·ing, forg·es. v.tr.
- To form (metal, for example) by heating in a forge and beating or hammering into shape.
- To form (metal) by a mechanical or hydraulic press.
- To give form or shape to, especially by means of careful effort: forge a treaty; forge a close relationship.
- To fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes; counterfeit: forge a signature.
- To work at a forge or smithy.
- To make a forgery or counterfeit.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *faurga, from Latin fabrica, from faber, worker.]
forgeability forge'a·bil'i·ty n.forgeable forge'a·ble adj.
forger forg'er n. forge ahead phrasal verb
to suddenly make a lot of progress with something:
The organizers are forging ahead with a programme of public events.
European leaders said they secured a deal to reduce Greece's debt after they labored overnight and into Thursday morning to find agreement on what they had billed as a blockbuster package to stem the Continent's debt crisis.
"I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will." — Clint Eastwood
v. intr. - 穩步前進, 突然加速前進
n. - 熔鐵爐, 鐵工廠, 煉冶場
v. tr. - 打, 鍛煉, 鍛造, 偽造
v. intr. - 鍛造, 偽造, 做鍛工, 做鐵匠, 犯偽造罪
- forge ahead 突然加速前進, 在比賽中領先
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 炉, 鍛冶場, 鉄工所
v. - 鍛える, 鍛えて作る, 作り上げる, 偽造する, ぐんぐん前進する, 作る
- forge ahead 着実に進む, 前へ出る, 徐々に先頭を切る