2012年4月1日 星期日

pare down, adrenaline-charged, secreted away


Restaurant Review: Upstairs at the Ten Bells in London

In East London, a restaurant secreted away on the second floor is, for now, at least until the end of April, run by two talented young chefs who call themselves the Young Turks.




The ads are also part of Google’s mission, led by Larry Page, its co-founder and chief executive, to pare down its product offering and make Google products more attractive, intuitive and integrated with one another.

'Half Broke Horses'

Assuming her maternal grandmother's voice, the author of "The Glass Castle" recreates an adrenaline-charged existence on the rough-and-tumble Southwest frontier.


中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))
v. tr. - 剝, 修, 削
  • pare down 減少
  • pared to the bone 徹底取消, 削減
(pâr) pronunciation
tr.v., pared, par·ing, pares.
  1. To remove the outer covering or skin of with a knife or similar instrument: pare apples.
  2. To remove by or as if by cutting, clipping, or shaving: pared off the excess dough.
  3. To reduce as if by cutting off outer parts; trim: pare expenses from the monthly budget.
[Middle English paren, from Old French parer, to prepare, trim, from Latin parāre, to prepare.]
parer par'er n.

adrenaline/ epinephrine
A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress, as from fear or injury. It initiates many bodily responses, including the stimulation of heart action and an increase in blood pressure, metabolic rate, and blood glucose concentration. Also called adrenaline.
━━ n. アドレナリン, エピネフリン ((副腎髄質の分泌するホルモン)).

━━ vt. 詰める, 弾丸を込める; 満たす; (電気を)通じる ((with)); 充電する ((with)); (責任などを)負わせる, (任務を)託する ((with)); 命じる, 指示する; 非難する, …の責任[せい]にする ((to, on)); 告訴する ((with)); (代金などを)請求する; (税を)課する ((for)); (人に)(代価などを)請求する ((for)); 借り方に(記入)する ((to)); つけで買う; 襲う, 突撃する.
━━ vi. 料金を請求する ((for)); 突撃する ((at, on, against)).
charge off 欠損として差引く; (…の)せいにする ((to)).
charge oneself with …を引き受ける.
━━ n. 荷(物); (銃の)装填; (弾丸の)ひと込め; 【電気】電荷; 充電; 世話, 保護; 管理; 責任, 義務; 委託; 委託された物[人]; 命令, 勧告, 指示; 嫌疑, 告訴; 【法】(裁判官が陪審員に対して行う)説示; 非難; 負債; 請求金額[代金], 費用; 税; 突撃(らっぱ); 紋章(の意匠); 〔俗〕 興奮.
(be) free of charge 無料で(ある).
bring a charge against …を告訴する.
Cash or charge? 現金ですかカードですか.
give … in charge 人を警察に引き渡す.
have charge of …を引き受けて[預かって,管理して]いる.
in charge of …を預かって, …の係りの (the nurse in 〜 of the child); …に預けられて (the child in 〜 of the nurse).
in the charge of … / in …'s charge 人に預けられている, 人に管理されている.
lay A to B's charge AをB(人)の罪であるとして告発する.
on a [the] charge of …の嫌疑で.
take charge of …を引き受ける, …を監督する.
 ━━ a. (責任・罪・税などを)負わさ[課せら]れる ((on, to, with)).
charge account 売掛け金勘定.
charge-cap ━━ vt. 〔英〕 (中央政府が地方自治体に(懲罰的に))交付減額をする.
charge card [plate] (特定の店で使える)クレジットカード.
charge carrier 【物】電荷担体.
charge conjugation 【物】荷電共役変換.
charge coupled device 【コンピュータ】=CCD.
charged ━━ a. 感情的な, 険悪な; ((普通副詞を伴って)) 熱烈な; 論争を招きそうな; 荷電した.
charge density 【電気】電荷密度.
charge hand 〔英〕 班長 ((foremanに次ぐ)).
charge nurse 〔英〕 (病棟の)看護婦長.
charg・er  ━━ n. 突撃する人[もの]; (将校用の)軍馬; 充電器; 大皿.
charge sheet 警察の事件記録簿.
charge-transfer complex 【化】電荷移動錯体.
