2012年4月20日 星期五

crumple, Don't wash your dirty linen in public.

The earthquake that hit Kobe, a city of 1.4m in central Japan, struck at 5.46am while most people were still asleep. About 5,000 people died in the first few seconds of the quake, crushed by buildings that Japanese engineers were amazed – and ashamed – to see crumple like cards. It is thought that most of the thousands of buildings that collapsed were built before 1981, when building standards were tightened.

The dollar’s crumpling, the recession’s thundering, the Dow’s bungee-jumping and the world’s disapproving, yet George Bush has turned into Gene Kelly, tap dancing and singing in a one-man review called “The Most Happy Fella.”

1 [I or T] to become, or cause something to become, full of irregular folds:
This shirt crumples easily

2 [I] If someone's face crumples, it becomes full of lines because of a strong emotion:
Her face crumpled with laughter.

3 [I] If someone crumples, they fall to the ground suddenly:
The bullet hit him and he crumpled into a heap on the floor.

crumpled clothes
the crumpled charm of linen

Don't wash your dirty linen in public.
