Chinese semiconductor makers are snapping up used chipmaking machines as they rush to produce homegrown products amid U.S.-Sino trade tensions.

China hoards used chipmaking machines to resist US pressure
It’s not just grocery shoppers who are hoarding pantry staples. Some governments are moving to secure food supplies too.
British Museum
Engraved with six running animals, this silver-gilt cup was discovered in North Yorkshire as part of the Vale of York Hoard #onthisday in 2007.
Made in northern France or Germany in the 9th century, the cup was buried with fine jewellery and over 600 coins. It was probably deposited by a wealthy Viking leader during the unrest that followed the conquest of Northumbria in AD 927 by the Anglo-Saxon king Athelstan.
The Vale of York Hoard provides valuable information about the cultural and commercial networks that existed in England in the 10th century – objects come from Afghanistan and Russia, and coins relate to Islam, Christianity, and the pre-Christian religion of the Vikings.
Find out more about this remarkable discovery here:
What Turns Black Friday Shoppers Into Raging Hordes?
Social scientists and psychologists are trying to figure out why Black Friday shoppers behave so badly.
The Vale of York Hoard was discovered #onthisday in 2007, containing spectacular Viking objects
The Hoxne (pronounced 'Hoxon') hoard consists of over 15,000 gold and silver coins, gold jewellery and numerous small items of silver tableware, including pepper pots, ladles and spoons. Also found were the remains of a large wooden chest and smaller caskets with tiny silver padlocks, into which the treasure had been carefully secreted.
Today we announced that the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) online database has recorded over one million archaeological finds made by the public!
The #PASmillionth object is a copper alloy coin, part of a hoard of 22,000 Roman coins found in Seaton, Devon. This discovery is one of the largest Roman coin hoards ever found and the combined weight is 68kg!

Can 'Boston Strong' Be Trademarked?
Who'd want to do a thing like that? Turns out the Patent Office has already received two applications.
The dairy inspectors will check how raw materials and food additives are used, supervise sample testing and do quality control, the People's Daily said.
State media meanwhile urged authorities to dole out harsher penalties for those implicated in the milk scandal and in any other future food safety concern.
"From this and many other previous scandals, we see a need for the authorities to be harsher toward violators," the China Daily said in an editorial.
In one of the most widely watched efforts in corporate philanthropy in years, Google Inc. said it will dole out nearly $30 million in new grants and investments to nonprofits and a private business that are taking on do-good projects such as tapping solar power, preventing plagues and improving public services for the poor.
Google's push into philanthropy is being watched closely because of its size and its effort to erase the usual boundaries between the for-profit and nonprofit worlds.
Steve Jobs defended Apple's huge cash holdings, saying the company had no plans to pay a dividend and preferred instead to expand its reserves for future use.
Peugeot Job Cuts Risk Riling French President
days after pledging to protect jobs in France as a condition of
receiving a massive aid package, Peugeot-Citroën said it would cut its
global work force by up to 12,000 jobs this year.
Google Search Ads Rile Customers
Google faces growing anger from big advertisers over smaller advertisers' use of trademarked words in the text of search ads.
A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.
v., hoard·ed, hoard·ing, hoards. v.intr.
To gather or accumulate a hoard.
- To accumulate a hoard of.
- To keep hidden or private.
[Middle English hord, from Old English.]
hoarder hoard'er n.hoard
Line breaks: hoardVERB
1Accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide orstore away:thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsivecollector
The words hoard and horde have some similarities in meaning and are pronounced the same, so it is unsurprising that they are sometimes confused. A hoard is ‘a secret stock or store of something’, as in a hoard of treasure, while a horde is a disparaging word for ‘a large group of people’, as in hordes of fans descendedon the stage. Instances of hoard being used instead of horde are not uncommon: around a quarter of citations for hoard in the Oxford English Corpus are for the incorrect use.
dole out v Definition: allocate, distribute
Antonyms: collect, gather, hoard, hold
adjective (MAINLY US nonprofit)
describes an organization which does not make a profit, usually intentionally:
Charities are non-profit-making organizations and get tax relief.
Pronunciation: /ˈtreɪdmɑːk/
Definition of trademark
- a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.