2007年6月21日 星期四


漢語人行道:演變風貌 的回扣說:「如果你採用gmail上頭的search,可以發現這字眼在中國是熱門話題。」其中幾則是大陸著名網路「阿里巴巴」的規矩。我記得約2年前看CNN專訪其創始人,他沒出國讀書,不過英語流利,說過去在西湖「苦」「讀」英語六年……

約10年前,我踴躍參加Deming Electronic Network(DEN)和 Learning Organization(LO)的(英文)討論,當時亞洲的人極少。它們都停辦了。不過,還要記得利用它們,因為它們都是寶貴的資料庫呢!

王老師的英文程度,可能是品質學會(CSQ)會員中之最。不過,他偶爾會忘記他近50年前學的英文規則:下述的sth要用動名詞(乖乖 這對嗎?):

look forward to sth phrasal verb

1 to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen:I'm really looking forward to my holiday.[+ ing form of verb]

She was looking forward to seeing the grandchildren again.I'm not looking forward to Christmas this year.
2 [+ ing form of verb] FORMAL used at the end of a formal letter to say you hope to hear from or see someone soon, or that you expect something from them:

I look forward to hearing from you.
In the circumstances, I look forward to receiving your client's cheque for the sum of £570 within the next seven days.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
