2012年10月28日 星期日

parson, parsonage, rectory

IN HIS own mind, George McGovern was as straightforward an American as you could wish to see. He was born in a parsonage and brought up on the South Dakota prairie. He fell in love in college (Dakota Wesleyan) and stayed married to Eleanor “for ever”.

'A more profligate parson I never met.' George IV

 我再引第一部「在瑪麗格倫」(AT MARYGREEN)第一節最後處,
"I shan't forget you, Jude," he said, smiling, as the cart moved off. "Be a good boy, remember; and be kind to animals and birds, and read all you can. And if ever you come to Christminster remember you hunt me out for old acquaintance' sake."
The cart creaked across the green, and disappeared round the corner by the rectory-house. The boy returned to the draw-well at the edge of the greensward, where he had left his buckets when he went to help his patron and teacher in the loading.




  • 発音記号[réktəri]

1 教区牧師の居宅, 牧師[司祭]館.
2 ((英))教区司祭の収入, 司祭禄.

[名]1 ((略式))聖職者;(プロテスタントの)牧師(clergyman).2 ((古風))(英国国教会の)教区主任司祭.[中ラテン語persōna. 原義は「俳優の面」. やがて「要人」, ...


  • 発音記号[pɑ'ːrsənidʒ]

