2012年11月3日 星期六

in the interim, second half, interim, on the back of

Lloyds Banking Group, which sought a massive bailout from the British government during the financial crisis, said that it had cut interim net losses to 676 million pounds on the back of restructuring measures.

Idioms: in the interim
In the meantime, as in Arthur's in Israel, so in the interim Judy will handle their business. [Second half of 1500s]
 interim:形容詞,過渡的;臨時的;中間的。當名詞時,指間歇;過渡期間。例:in the interim(在此期間)。

René Noël Théophile Girard was born in Avignon, France, on December 25, 1923.[1] Between 1943 and 1947, he studied medieval history at the École des Chartes, Paris. The subject of his thesis was "Private life in Avignon in the second half of the fifteenth century" ("La vie privée à Avignon dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle").[2]

The downstream failure of HMRC and DWP was published by Advice UK in 2008 (“It’s the System Stupid! Radically Rethinking Advice”). Since then Advice UK has been working with advice organisations and the local authority in Nottingham, with our help, to pilot a systems thinking design for advice services. Last September, they held what they described as a hugely successful stakeholder day to present the findings of the initial analysis of advice systems, and these have now been written up into an interim report, which you can access at http://www.adviceuk.org.uk/_uploads/documents/1MicrosoftWord-NottinghamSystemsThinkingPilot-InterimReport.pdf

in·ter·im (ĭn'tər-ĭm) pronunciation
An interval of time between one event, process, or period and another.

Belonging to, serving during, or taking place during an intermediate interval of time; temporary: an interim agreement. See synonyms at temporary.

[From Latin, in the meantime.]


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[íntərəm]

1 合間, しばらくの間, 暫時(interim period)
in the interim
(2つのできごとの)間に, その間.
2 仮[暫定]協定.
━━[形]((限定))仮[暫時]の, 一時的な;中間の. ⇒TEMPORARY[類語]
an interim report
an interim measure
an interim government
