2012年10月4日 星期四

get hitched︰tie the knot, Valentine, be mine

在求婚或情人節等 Valentine,向對方求: " be mine"

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."John Muir

AOL Makes Big Bet With Huffington Post
In its fight for survival, AOL is paying a rich price to hitch itself to the Huffington Post, and its outspoken celebrity co-founder, Arianna Huffington.

v., hitched, hitch·ing, hitch·es. v.tr.
  1. To fasten or catch temporarily with or as if with a loop, hook, or noose.
  2. To connect or attach, as to a vehicle: hitched the horses to the sleigh.
  3. To move or raise by pulling or jerking: hitch up one's suspenders.
  4. Informal. To hitchhike: hitched a ride to the rally.
  5. Slang. To marry: They got hitched last month.
  1. To move haltingly; hobble.
  2. To become entangled, snarled, or fastened.
  3. Informal. To hitchhike.
  1. Any of various knots used as a temporary fastening.
  2. A device used to connect one thing to another.
  3. A short jerking motion; a tug.
  4. A hobble or limp.
  5. An impediment or a delay: a hitch in our plans.
  6. A term of service, especially of military service.
  7. Informal. A free ride obtained along a road.
[Probably from Middle English hytchen, icchen, to move, jerk.]
hitcher hitch'er n.

《中央對照讀新聞》Valentines couples get hitched at Mandela’s prison 情侶們在囚禁曼德拉的監獄締結連理

South African icon Nelson Mandela’s former prison Robben Island held its tenth annual Valentine’s Day wedding ceremony in which 25 couples tied the knot.
Dressed in wedding finery, the group travelled by ferry to the island 12 kilometres off Cape Town where they exchanged wedding vows and rings days after South Africa marked Mandela’s 20th year as a free man.
Sonia Sauls, 49, and Charmaine Weber, 34, whom organisers said were the annual event’s first same-sex newly weds, were among those to say "I do" in the small island chapel.
One of South Africa’s major tourist sites, the island has hosted the annual Valentine’s Day event since 2000 with couples taking their vows in succession.
"Many people don’t see it as a prison," said home affairs official Chris Samaai. "They see Robben Island for the history part and, especially this year that marks the release of ex-president Mandela 20 years back, it’s very significant."
South Africa’s first democratic leader, Mandela spent most of his 27 years on Robben Island and was released from a prison outside Cape Town in 1990. "Mandela succeeded in changing this country," said Afrikaans-speaking bridegroom Johannes Visser, 27.
Robben Island was declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1999.

get hitched︰與tie the knot同指結婚。hitch有套住、繫住、鉤住之意,hitch a ride(lift)指搭便車。
take(make) a vow︰發誓、立誓。例句︰When people get married, they take a vow of loyalty to each other forever.(當人們結婚時,他們發誓要永遠忠於彼此。)
in succession︰接連的、陸續的。例句︰He has been awarded first prize for three years in succession.(他已連續3年獲得一等獎。)

3 則留言:

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《中英對照讀新聞》Cops hauled naked couple out of bed 警察把裸體夫妻拖下床

The law enforcement officials who ruined the honeymoon of a newlywed homeless couple say they were only doing their job.


City spokesperson Neil Arendse says Jeffrey and Lisa Booysen’s claims that their wedding cake and gifts were taken are lies.


The couple who had been living under a tree opposite Retreat train station for 15 years tied the knot at Wynberg Home Affairs on Wednesday, but were hauled naked out of bed by law enforcement officials.


"Jeffrey and Lisa Booysen’s personal belongings were not removed," says Arendse.


"Items such as their clothing, food, medication and documentation and what they claimed were wedding gifts were left."


"They were warned to remove themselves from City-owned land and failing to comply would result in further action."



haul:動詞,硬拖、強拉。例句:The suspect was hauled into court.(這名嫌犯被帶上法庭。)

tie the knot:片語,結婚、主持婚禮。例句:Diane and Bill tied the knot yesterday.(黛安與比爾昨天結婚了。)

result in:片語,導致、結果造成。例句:His laziness resulted in his failure.(他的懶惰導致他的失敗。)

人事物 提到...

《中英對照讀新聞》Cops hauled naked couple out of bed 警察把裸體夫妻拖下床

The law enforcement officials who ruined the honeymoon of a newlywed homeless couple say they were only doing their job.


City spokesperson Neil Arendse says Jeffrey and Lisa Booysen’s claims that their wedding cake and gifts were taken are lies.


The couple who had been living under a tree opposite Retreat train station for 15 years tied the knot at Wynberg Home Affairs on Wednesday, but were hauled naked out of bed by law enforcement officials.


"Jeffrey and Lisa Booysen’s personal belongings were not removed," says Arendse.


"Items such as their clothing, food, medication and documentation and what they claimed were wedding gifts were left."


"They were warned to remove themselves from City-owned land and failing to comply would result in further action."



haul:動詞,硬拖、強拉。例句:The suspect was hauled into court.(這名嫌犯被帶上法庭。)

tie the knot:片語,結婚、主持婚禮。例句:Diane and Bill tied the knot yesterday.(黛安與比爾昨天結婚了。)

result in:片語,導致、結果造成。例句:His laziness resulted in his failure.(他的懶惰導致他的失敗。)

人事物 提到...

《中英對照讀新聞》Cops hauled naked couple out of bed 警察把裸體夫妻拖下床

The law enforcement officials who ruined the honeymoon of a newlywed homeless couple say they were only doing their job.


City spokesperson Neil Arendse says Jeffrey and Lisa Booysen’s claims that their wedding cake and gifts were taken are lies.


The couple who had been living under a tree opposite Retreat train station for 15 years tied the knot at Wynberg Home Affairs on Wednesday, but were hauled naked out of bed by law enforcement officials.
